At 32week, can see the baby squirming already now...and its look so weird tho..seeing something moving moving from your tummy..hehehe
At 32week, can see the baby squirming already now...and its look so weird tho..seeing something moving moving from your tummy..hehehe
dah lama target this fisher price Newborn Baby Rocker...
Retail Price RM349..after 10% discount i paid RM317..
actually got two type of bouncer..one is " from infant to toddler Rocker" price after less is RM249,another one is From Newborn to toddler Rocker" price after less is RM317..
The cheaper type tuh,the seat incline/decline is not suitable for newborn..so i choose yang mahal la kan..ada free gift lagi
Best tau this rocker..
- first can be use from newborn to toddler (18kg)
- Calming vibrations and gentle rocking motion help comfort and soothe baby.
- Versatile seat angles add comfort for different age babies, from infants to toddlers!
- activated music and rattles offers auditory stimulation
- Bright colors and patterns stimulate your infant's visual sense.
Last but not least, the pad is washable and easy to fold for travel..
See,mommy did her homework b4 bought this expensive stuff..hopefully baby will use this gadget until she/he turn 3 years old..baru leh gain the ROI..hehehe
On 6pm we left The curve and heading to my next baby fair. We reached Cheras Leisure Mall on 7pm..traffic jam biasala..
Spend another RM200 for baby clothing, baby legging,baby head support, blanket and etc..me bought cloths yang blue/green/choc color oni that day..tak berani nak pick the pinky one lagi..geram nya nak beli cute dress for baby..or pink clothing..sabar je la
Reached home almost 9pm that day..a very tiring day for me n laling...but memang puas hati and happy..especially the fisher price gadget tuh..
Tenkiu my sweet laling sbb sudi temankan me n baby go shopping to two separate locations that day..muakkkkssss...
mommy once again received the second kancing gigi shot this time..lenguh gila my arm for the whole days..and continue the next day for a small fever..
anyways..at 29 week..baby as usual double her weight and length compare to last month..
her weight is 1.3kg and length 264mm..
a very good growing and gaining from her..mommy oso gaining another 2 kg..hahahah...but bettter than 3kg compared to last month kan.
tak kisah la..as long as my baby healthty..
Keep on pumping..
Your determination inspired me a lot..
Lets pray..lets pray hard..for today output will provide Baby Aliyah enough milk.
Insyaallah.. i know you will..I will support you from here..
Just relax and keep on pumping babe..
Breast milk is the best milk for our baby..
Gambate kudasai Beel-san..