Pagi tadi ard 10.30am teacher Mia called..Mia's temp naik ke 39.4deg..
Saya terus cancel kan class..and rush to school. Bawa dia ke clinic,lunch at mamak with her and terus balik rumah. Mia tidor until 2pm and terus ckp nak makan mushroom soup pizza hut.
So sebab demam mommy turutkan bawa dia ke Alamanda makan pizza..habislah makan sup+bread kat situ.
Daddy soh belikan purple castle untuk mia..sbb asyik menyebut je. Daddy ckp kat Japan rm200 harga..if kat sini murah,beli terus je. But castle xde..end up she choosed this cake maker from playdoh..Rm79..

Muka budak demam dapat playdo and makan ice cream.Nice kan taktik demam dapat hadiah mcm ni.
Dulu demam,setakat mak saya beli anggur pun dah rasa bestnha..boleh lah demam selalu.heheh
Balik dari alamanda..terus amik adik kat rumah ibu..pastu sangat funny ok nasihat kakak kat adik
"adik sleep early tonight k..kakak dont have new toys pun..all old one only.Dough also dont have new one..all kakak's toy adik eat already..kakak dont have toys anymore "
Adik kebil2 je pandang kakak..ok..gila lah bagi clue takde new toys macam tu kan..
By the way..please2 get well soon love..and plz2 adik stay strong..mommy couldnt afford if ur too are down witb fever..missing daddy syndromme already
Saya terus cancel kan class..and rush to school. Bawa dia ke clinic,lunch at mamak with her and terus balik rumah. Mia tidor until 2pm and terus ckp nak makan mushroom soup pizza hut.
So sebab demam mommy turutkan bawa dia ke Alamanda makan pizza..habislah makan sup+bread kat situ.
Daddy soh belikan purple castle untuk mia..sbb asyik menyebut je. Daddy ckp kat Japan rm200 harga..if kat sini murah,beli terus je. But castle xde..end up she choosed this cake maker from playdoh..Rm79..

Muka budak demam dapat playdo and makan ice cream.Nice kan taktik demam dapat hadiah mcm ni.
Dulu demam,setakat mak saya beli anggur pun dah rasa bestnha..boleh lah demam selalu.heheh
Balik dari alamanda..terus amik adik kat rumah ibu..pastu sangat funny ok nasihat kakak kat adik
"adik sleep early tonight k..kakak dont have new toys pun..all old one only.Dough also dont have new one..all kakak's toy adik eat already..kakak dont have toys anymore "
Adik kebil2 je pandang kakak..ok..gila lah bagi clue takde new toys macam tu kan..
By the way..please2 get well soon love..and plz2 adik stay strong..mommy couldnt afford if ur too are down witb fever..missing daddy syndromme already
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