Remember my previous entry on Mia's 2012 school.
Dah week 2 already..and i can say she heart her school so much.
Mommy lain berproblem dengan anak yang nangis taknak go to schoolkan..
Me myself pula problem on Mia yang refuse to go back house.
Each and singgle day i have to wait until 7pm for her outdoor activities.
Itupun still nangis2 tak nak balik.
Nak tau kenapa she loves her school so much..
Jom cekidout some of the picture of her activities at school.
All the pictures ni i curik kat facebook school dia.
Ada Masterchef Junior activity.
(Week 2 : Bread and Jem and Raisins)

Iqra Class by Opah Sarah.
This is every morning activity ye.
(9-10.30am individually)

English class with Teacher Rajesh

Teacher Rajesh bawak mystery box yang ada 3-4 layers of wrapper.
The kids wait patiently to findout what inside the box.
Sambil tu Teacher Rajech will do some story telling to them.
*Ada lollipop ok dalam tu.
Pandai teacher Rajest attract the student attension.
Junior Masterchef
Week 1 :Making orange juice

Messy Play activity.
Week 1 & 2 : Dough

Dance class.


See..baru week 2 activity dah macam2.
Thanks god, i choose this school for her.
I hope she will develop well here.
As my activity with her at home dah terbatas sket.
Tak larat sangat dah skang.
Continue lepas bersalin nanti ye Mia.
Oklah nak continue study.
Esok paper no.2..
Alhamdulillah, baby can wait..
Another week to go baby..u can do it.
Wish me luck mommies!