Hah..seperti yang dijanjikan Part 2 pula menyusul.
Educational Toys yang part 2 lebih kepada Block toys.
Tapi lebih creative and fun to play with la.
Block toys ni bagus tau untuk kita introduce as early as 1 year old.
Antara advantages nya adalah
Motor skills and hand-eye coordination
They can build into whichever model they like.
They can build into whichever model they like.
Unlimited possibilities for building fun
Helping develop children's imagine the space
.Children could learn about colors and shape as well.
Saya baca..research kat toddler yang main block ni..will be good in Math..yeahhh
Cakap banyak tak guna..jom layan piccas..
1. Beads and Lace
Then start with other colors pula..
Tapi lama2 pasti pandai.
For Mia's case..dia dah leh masukkan tali tu dalam bead's hole.
Tapi saya kena tolong tarik bagi tali tu keluar.
Faham tak?
Fun kann..
2. Creative Block
Boleh buat kereta, Boleh buat robot.
For boys sesuai kut.
Tapi Mia cam suka je main .
Ikut ke creativitian individu ye.
Macam macam leh buat.
Cubaan untuk memasukkan paip dalam roda.
Sebab tu namanya Creative Blocks..ikut suka nak buat apa
3. Flower Links
Lama la dia main before dia start suruh buka Timmy Time.
Focus please!
Boleh buat flower
Juga boleh si sambungkan perut ke perut..wahhh!

Holding hands together.
No need so much force..
Sket je dah leh connect.
Ini hasil mommy ye..
Mia tolong sket2 je..
Best tau main ni..saya pun suka..
4. Animals Connect.
So boleh connect pegang tangan cenggini.
Mia takleh nak buat lagi toys ni.
Next year mungkin boleh..heheheh
Holding hands together.
Ok what..
Kena tolonglah pegang animals yang satu lagi.
Then baru dia boleh sambungkan.
Nampak tangan Mommy Mia yang bak bunting padi tu..
Taraaa...sebab dia getah kan..so boleh di lentok2 kan sesuka hati..
Refer previous post for details matter..Or CLICK HERE for price and details.
Stocks are very2 limited..tak tipu punya..
So hurry hurry..
Place your order to
Saya faham tengah2 bulan ni mana nak ada duit beli toys kan.
So u can booked and pay after 28hb.
I will reserve the items for you..
Hurry not much left already..