Flash card MY BODY Mia dia dah pass with flying color.
Semua dia dah kenal..
Just kadang2 dia takleh nak beza Feet-Leg, Arm-Hand
So hopefully dia leh catch up soon.
So sbb dia cam dah boring asyik main flash card..
So mommy create one new game for her.
So biar dia nampak all the body part.
Or kalau you all terror boleh lah lukis gambar orang 3D.
Then bagi lah nama orang tu.
For me i just called him "abang" ..heheheh
"Can you take abang eyes and put at abang face"
Aktiviti pencarian nose pula..
Then continue with tummy and legs pula..
Mia's fart smelly smelly..mommy fart is smell like a thousand of roses..
So Abang need nose to smell..ekekek..
Can you find abang nose..so he can smell the roses..
Lips..mouth ..and teeth
Tapi tak tau apsal dia asyik amik yang teeth je..hahahah
Story yang tak masuk akal pun takpe.
Asal dia faham cukup.
Then leher pula..
Abang need hands to eat..to comb his hair...to play with his toys..
Go find aband hands puls..
Ok..both hands are left side..dont care lah kan.
Actually it took Mia 3 rounds untuk betul2 place all the bodyparts at the right position.
1st round ..when i asked her to take any parts of the body..she will just threw it to the drawing.
2 nd round..dah pandai letak kat tempat yang agak betul..tapi contohnya nose akan berada kat atas eyes..telinga pula letak kat bawak mulut..
Third round baru boleh buat..
So kena sabar lah..
Memang nampak silly gila game ni
Tapi you all jangan tak tahu..this game teach them to think ok.
Mata letak kat atas hidung..and mulut pula kat bawah hidung..
Ingat senang nak buat?heheheh