I will start working on next Tuesday(28/July). Thats mean baby mia will be in nursery with all the strangers soon..so we decide to send her over tomorrow..kena practice la dulu..
But tonight mia mcm fhm2 je that she will be stay in nurserry without mommy tomorrow..she wont sleep at her crib..letak je nangis..mommy dah pangku since 8pm tadi..and up untill now 11pm she still at mommy's lap...

sedih ok ..to leave her with all the stranger who doesnt even know how to stop her cry..how to sing for her to sleep..(here come the tears)..but i dont have any choice..if i didnt start to train her tomorrow..then bila lagi..
only god know how much i love her..

i pray..i pray hard for all the nursery peeps will take care of my baby...its not necessery for them to love her as much as i do..but its good enough for them to be able to feed her well(jgn biar baby tersedak),to make her sleep..and to stop her cry..(tears..tears.)
Will baby mia miss her mommy tomorrow (i know i do)..
sedihla kan..tell me mommies,where all of u get the strength to leave ur child with the stranger??

oklah,takmoo citer sedih2..lets talk about daddy 28th celebration on the19/july..just the three of us celebrate daddy befday..

nyumnyum cupcakes from shidalan to add the merrier..hehehe..
Daddy n Mommy love u to bit ..

'Happy Befday dear daddy"..hope lucky 28 this year bring us happiness..big money and good health..
mommy and mia loves you su much..muahsssss..