What a topic...

Yeah..laling and me went to Mid Valley to have Kenny Rogers for our dinner..dah settle dah all must eat food before my confinement..hahah...below serving is for En.Laling
And all fattening serving below of coz la for mommy kan..hahah..macaroni and cheese..is so yummilicious...alamak!! mengidam nak makan lagi pulak...(mengidam ke nafsu yang gemuk??)
I am very lazy to cook recently..barang dapur pun malas nak top up..takut terberanak and thats stuff jadi basi..so hari hari makan luar..hahaha..actually kan its more save to eat outside if there just the two of u je..cooking for two sometime lagi banyak wastage kan..
My mom told me she carried me last time for 41week..my sister also overdue her Pisha's and having c-sect later..mb its a generation to pass on la kan..
This Friday its my 40'th week checkup..hopefully there will be a sign from the baby..if only a "show" pun dah more than enuff for me..
Last night i nearly cried when i asked en.laling when the baby want to pop out..En.laling dengan mamai nya asked me to be patient for a lil more time..he told me that his fren already wait for 4years for his wife to get pregnant and they are still waiting..so all i need to do its to be sabar for less than 2 week je...sedih kan..he's right i think..beside from complaining,i should feel bless for having this tiny tot rite now..coz theres billion of woman out there who are not lucky enuff and still waiting to carry their own tiny tot..(whoeva you are,dont feel bad about this post k..belum ada rezeki lagi tu..try and try again..practice makes prefect...heheh)
To En.Laling thank you for your word of wisdom tuh..love u so much..muakkss...muachhss..

Guess,wheres this 40'th week preggy mommy went for jalan2 yesterday..hahahah..tak sedar diri kan..jeng jeng jeng...

Yeah..laling and me went to Mid Valley to have Kenny Rogers for our dinner..dah settle dah all must eat food before my confinement..hahah...below serving is for En.Laling

I received my Coolababy CD last nite from Yati..thanks Yati.We meet up at Tesco Kajang and have a chit chating on how to handle the CD later. Punyalah excited, mlm tadi juga me prewash the CD for 3 times tau..heheh..hopefully this CD will suit to my baby..hopefully mommy make a good decision to spend mommy own money to buy that CD for u luv..heheheh..
Oh ye..i still keep Kerry at my house. Malas nak percaya all the pantang larang..Kucing kan binatang kesayangan Nabi..so i just pray noting bad will happen..i will write more about my status this Friday..heheheh..hopefully this is my last post before i post my next post entitle "Dah selamat dah..."hehehehe