After the GBS reunion that saturday, me straight went to my sister house to celebrate her daughter's Befday.
Saturday 4th April : My chumil Pisya befday party at Putra Height..
Exact Befday date is 31st March...she became a 4yrs old princess
Theme : Princess Aurora (Pinky)
Tea Party with Menu as below
1. Sate
2.Pulut Kuning with sambal
3. Mee Hoon Goreng
4. Jelly
5. Cup cakes (from me tau)
and lotsa sweets n choc for the kids..

I really love this Hidrogen pink baloon..super cute..thinking of to decorate my parents house with this baloon during my baby punya cukur jambul kenduri nanti..sesuai ke?..ahahaha

This 4 years old amoi hate when being called baby gal..konon dah sangat2 besar la kan..but seriously shes such a darling to the family..cute kan her tiny purple crown ni..wish my liltle baby pun will be as cute as naughty as her..and as good gal as her..kemana tumpahnya kuah,kalau bukan ke causin kan..heheheh

Sorry boys..shes taken already..hahaha..with her neighbour Alvin..macam minang dibelah sepuluh tak?..wakakakak

See her befday Princess Aurora nice kan..nice to see n very the yummy yum yum to eat..and see also her befday gift from her mommy..The real Princess Aurora itself came n celebrate her party..gila best kan..

The befday gal princess, cut the princess cake together with the real tak?..but it will be more fun if we have clown n princess together at that time kan..mcm something missing je if no clown at befday party..

The proud uwan n atok of the befday gal..

Me also tak lepas kan peluang to take photo with the princess..see the princess is holding my tummy yang ada future princess jugak..heheh..gila gemuk ok..tak suka gambar ni..but this is the only photo of me with the kena upload gaks..

The kids have 3 games..sugar in the flour game, musical chair games and baloon game..i am sure all of them have so much fun kan..see the comot Pisha after winning the sugar in the flour game tuh..Alvin tak ngaku GF dah after this..comot sgt.. see alvin face..

Happy 4th Befday my liltle darling..insyallah by Mei u will have ur playmate princess..shes the only gal in our family right the rest is all 3 naughty boys..hehehe