Thursday night 28/Mei 11.30Pm
I still felt a bit uncomfortable down there..but i dont know whether it is a sign for a labor or not.So i just ignore the pain and asked En.Laling for my good nite kiss..then both of us having our ZzZzzZ..
Friday 29/Mei/09 2.00am.
I was awake by a sudden urge to the toilet..i settled my business and tried to continue my sleep..but then after 5 min, the urge come went to toilet for a second time.. Maybe i have stomach pain due to anything i ate i still dont think its a sign yet and tried to sleep..
Friday 29/Mei/09 3.00am The pain come once again..and this time its struck i told En.Laling about the pain. En.Laling as usual cuak tak tentu pasal..and ask me to go to clinic to confirm.. me pula mmg not so sure whether it is the time or it just a regular stomach i told en.laling to wait for tomorrow. both of us sambung our zzzzzz
Friday 29/Mei/09 5.00am
the pain now comes every 3omin..confirm its The day.i woke En.Lalin and told him its the time for us to go to the hospital.i have my shower and suddenly there is a bloody sign at my panties.the contraction now comes every 20min.
i drank the Siti Fatimah water..and boiled telor ayam kampong for anergy to push the baby.
on ye..mommy sempat lagi make up kaw kaw b4 g hospital..yelah..i want baby to see her mommy pretty maa..first impression its important kan..heheh
Friday 29/Mei/09 6.00am
We arrived at the hospital and due to the bloody sign..the nurse asked me to change my cloth and get myself ready at the operation room. still not yet..erghhhh...opening only 1cm..and i have to wait for at least 8-9more hour to deliver the baby.
Friday 29/Mei/09 8.00am
its too slow..only 1.5cm after 2hours of waiting at the Chempaka ward.dah siap breakfast dah.pain now come every 15min.make up dah takde in below photos..hehehe..tahan sakit tau..mestilah peluh2
Friday 29/Mei/09 10am
me once again went to operation room..and guess what after 4hours of waiting ..oni 2cm..and the contraction now come every 10min..and its already unbearable..rasa mcm nak tercabut badan ni..siyes tak tipu sakit..i told hubby how sakit it was..baru 2cm and i dah tak tahan lagi dah..
Doc Kamsiah then advice me to have an epidural..sbb lambat lagi.. and the pain already come every 10min..
i just say whateva that can reduce the pain..walaupun b4 this i plan to have a no drug labour..tapi apakan daya..sakitnya tembus sampai ke tulang dah..heheh..
i just say whateva that can reduce the pain..walaupun b4 this i plan to have a no drug labour..tapi apakan daya..sakitnya tembus sampai ke tulang dah..heheh..
If anyboody asked me how the contraction pain is..i would say macam nak mati...
after getting the magical more pain..seriyes worth it to pay rm3k for that..
i happily doze off until 2pm..and the doc come and told me that im ready to deliver the baby..full opening..
Friday 29/Mei/2.30pm
hubby come to operation room after having his jumaat prayer.he told me that my parents already outside..
doc Kamsiah once again check me down there..there is a full opening but baby belum fully she asked me to wait for another one more hour..huhu..ok..wait..i dont mind to wait sbb tak sakit langsung..hahaha
Friday 29/Mei/09 3.30pm
Its the day and its the time..4 nurses are around me as a pom pom hubby its alwiz by my side..and the doc...push..notin..push again..notin..seriesly the pom pom girl is so menyakitkan hati..they asked me to push hard..they asked me to meneran..they asked me to geram..they so annoying..i did push as hard as i can..not that i dont want the baby to come..but i just cant..dah buat sehabis boleh..sehabis tenaga..hubby said i can..siyesly if i can la kan..dah lama baby keluar..but baby still stubbornly dont want to come out yet..
Friday 29/Mei/09 4.00pm
Doc Kamsiah told me,they cannot wait anylonger as the baby is too long inside..and my water already broke since 10am..taknak baby they decide to vaccum the baby..uwaaaa...wateva what u have to do and save my baby..
Friday 29/Mei/09 4.07pm
with one push..and the help from the vaccum thingy,,Damia Zahra is poped herself out from me...
alhamdullilah...sakit gila..i told hubby cukuplah sorang anak kita..
and today baby mia dah 44days pun..growing healthily n chubbyly with mommy's milk. 
gila berminyak muka gue kan..sakit ok..sakit gila..hehehe..