Venue: My lovely house
Time : 1.30-5pm
Theme: Pot Luck
First arrival from Mazia bibir love..11am with all the ingredients for Laksa Penang ..a good cook...and together with high technology of my kitchen cabinet+hob+hub make the laksa so yummy..hahahaha
Then 1.30pm, Inas came with hubby and adorable baby aishah..
Food: sate kajang samuri..
Asz with baby Ayn came with blue berry cake...i still cant believed this 360 degree asz dah ada 6month old baby gal..and she still like the old asz in STF..still a bit clumsy n blurr..hahaha
Anirah brought us another cake from secret recipe..Cheese oreo..nyum nyum..i like ...
hasni made us sandwiches and fruit..

The sexy Doctor joining us next..Arline came with mee goreng, karipap n keropok..bila nak kawen ntah la..hopefully ur turn after elina ok...
The smiley anirah..raba my tummy ni..geli ok..heheh..for sure dlm hati dia ckp ,"the biggest 7 month tummy i've even seen"...huehueh..
Am obet suprisingly came with hubby..3yrs aliya..and shes 7 month preggy..another mate for my darling baby..
The sexy Doctor joining us next..Arline came with mee goreng, karipap n keropok..bila nak kawen ntah la..hopefully ur turn after elina ok...
Am, bawak apa ye??..oh ye..Ice cream..3 bijik ice cream..still left 2 pcs in my freezer ..anyone nak share the ice cream can come to my house.. sementara stock masih ada..
baby aliyah very2 the ganas..different gila attitude dgn am..