Last Monday on 30th Mei,Mia had her second befday celebration at her school.
The party started at 9.30am and end around 12pm.
Time tu kids pun dah letih nak tdo dah..
Oh..oh..we had a face painting also that day
At first all the kids refuse to let the painter do an art on their face.
So macam biasa la..mommy try first ..
Biasalah..sentiasa mau copycat mommy.
She want Elmo..
Anak yang sudah besar..sudah 2 tahun yo
Atok and Uwan joined the party
He had a Mickey Mouse cake and he turning 1.
My pinky princess
Cake cutting
Suap cake
Anak dara saya
Anak dara saya yang comot tapi cute.

sbb Mia asyik nak blow je..
Belum nyanyi lagi dah blow..

Tamak..amik sampai 5 batang ok.

And the kids say.."besttttt!"
Amik satu kotak terus lah..senang takyah mintak byk kali.
Dia tak faham lagi rules main ni.
belasah je lah..
Mesti dia ingat main pusing2 ..pastu bila penat,sila carik tempat duduk.
Kelakar ok
And the kids say.."besttttt!"
Masa ni Mia cam dah penat nak tidor.
Sebab tu muka blur je.
Yang lain semua gambar serius.
Port memanjat semasa di school.
Now sudah macam rojak..ada butterfly and love .
Dear My darling Mia,
Mommy hope you enjoyed your second befday celebration this year.
Mommy hope you had fun wth your friends that day.
Insyaalah, there will be Part 3 coming soon.
Celebration with daddy pula.
Daddy coming back this Saturday..super happy..
Yeahhh..and yeahh..and yeahhhh...