Dear baby..
Yesterday mommy gave two syringes of blood to the at 8am..another syringe on 10am..just a regular blood check up during pregnancy i guess..
such a very tiring day for mommy ..mb bcoz of the blood taken or mb from the class schedule that day..huuuhhhh..mommy so weak kan..
But mommy didnt complaint much..its all because of u and daddy..mommy want to make sure u grow healthily inside of mommy tummy..and mommy also want to make sure mommy give daddy the cutest daughter/son soon in Mei.

In 29 week, mommy already looks like a whale..huh..and mommy cant stop complaining to daddy about the weight that mommy gaining each day.. But for you baby darlin, mommy didnt stop the food taken daily..mommy dont even try to diet..mommy didnt stop the enfamama taken,eventho peeples keep saying, that kind of milk is the key to a weight calcium baby need that calcium to grow strong..hurmm...

Mommy carry this excess weight everywhere now..Only god know how tiring it was ..but it didnt stop mommy to keep carring didnt stop mommy at all..
Hopefully when mommy and daddy grow old ,u will carry and take care of us like we did for u..
Please remember my love..mommy and daddy already love you so much..the kicking and the boxing from you each day make our life more happier..urgghh..just cant wait to see u..
Grow as big as u want..and come out wheneva ur ready to see this evil world..mommy and daddy will always be there for u show u everything that u need to be a good teach u anything for u to grow as a better human than we are.

Daddy work very2 hard this week..left mommy alone with u in this house..mommy try not to complaint so much as mommy know we need to have more money..more money..just to make sure ur grow healthily inside mommy..and when you come out soon, there will be enough stuff for you to develop your brain and your body.

Poor daddy..mommy know how much his brain and body exhausted this week..and this is all because u lov..
At 29 week, mommy cant believed that mommy already develop this kind of love for u..