Saja saja nak test run stroller that i bought long ago from German ni.
Cant wait for the baby to arrive.
And he can share this stroller Kakak Mia

Mia ni jenis yang senang juga lah nak dibawa berjalan ke mall.
Sebab dia nak stay dalam stroller. And siap boleh tidor nyenyak 2-3hours dalam tu.
Tips..since baby lagi kena train.If dia nangis nak turun, sila jangan turunkan and bagilah apa2 (eg.biscuit,lollipop etc etc) as a reward.

Ramai jugalah yang dok pandang2 kat stroller ni.Hehehe.
Siap ada 2 orang tanya mana sorang lagi?
Saya cakap..tak keluar lagi je.Heheeh.
Buek malu jo. far so good.
Stroller is not to big to pass the elavator.
Takyah lah penat2 nak carik lift untuk naik and turun the floors.
Stroller pass with flying colors.
Soon there will be no vacant..
Please patiet a lil bit more.
1 paper down last Saturday.
2more to go.
Last Friday check up for 37th week..
Doctor dah mentioned baby dah turun sedikit kat laluan.
But not engaged yet.
Patutlah dah start sakit kat ari ari bila berjalan.
Pinggul jangan cakap lah.
Macam2 kan sakit kalau pregnant dah tua ni.
I hope he can stay for at least 2 more weeks inside my tummy.
But..saya redha je.
Kalau nak keluar awal from the duedate pun takkan nak jahit kat bawah tu bagi jangan keluar.
NVM..mommy kena pergi JB lah amik special exam if baby cannot wait to see the world.