At last jumpa dengan satu Montessory for Mia yang saya pekenan.
Tapi its for 2.5years old until 5.
Mia not even 2 pun lagi..So macam serba salah nak masukkan ke tak.
Montessory ni namanya Smart Caliph Enrichment center
Memula jumpa the owner,saya cakap Mia bulan 5 ni baru nak masuk 2yo.
And dia cakap tak accept..
Dia dengar Mia cakap..until she did some test to my darlin.
Some simple instructions lah..
Then dia cakap..Mia pass the test..
and she will be the youngest kids in this school.
Why i love this school?
Tengok kat belakang budak tu.
especially on educational toys.
Macam mana nak button.
Practical Life skills.
as to pour a water.

heheh..super nice.
Nice kan..
BUT..theres a but here..
Compare with the old school.
1. No Outdoor activities.
2. The space quite small.
3. Expensive like 2x ganda.
All the 3 above..i still can accept la..
is Just that..Is this school suit Mia the best.
Tak begitu big for her ..for her age?
I taknak..nanti bila dia dah masuk ke real school for 3yo kid..dia cam dah bosan pula.
Sbb dia dah learn that in her early age..
I taknak dia advance sangat belajar.
Sebab dia kecik lagi.
Not even two years old pun..
I need your opinion mommies..
Should Mia enter this school..or i should keep on searching for school that suit for a 21month old babe?