Apa lagi..new puzzles..new blocks for your liltle tots..
Nama puzzle ni macam tak berapa boleh blah sangat..
"The Hero Saves Beauty"
Ala2 macam snow white la..dok kat tower tunggu prince selamatkan..
Lebih kurang la kut..

Ini lah dia second puzzles for kids Age 4-8years old.
Ada a few blocks dalam tu..ada prince and princess juga..and also a Q&A books.
How to play?
Lebih kurang macam "Castle of Dream" juga.
Jom..saya explain serba sedikit

Ada 4 levels of question too.
Contohnya ye ..
Tengok kat challenge 1 gambar kat atas ni.
Tips: Nampak tak kat atas page kat buku tu..ada 2 block color purple and green kan.
So..mommy at first can setup the position of hero and the princess..based on the gambar kat page tu lah..
Then pass the two block tu kat your kids..
Ask them to arrange the block supaya hero tu leh jalan sampai ke princess.

So ni lah jawapannya..susun the two blocks horizontally like this.
solutions ada kat back page ye.

Tengok soalan for Junior Level pula .
Macam biasalah..u guys susun the blocks macam kat dalam challenge 13 kat atas ni.
Then bagi 3 block (Tips yang kat atas tu lah) kat your kids..and asked them to solve the puzzle.
Macam mana diorang nak arrange ketiga tiga block tu supaya hero sampai ke princess.

The solutions..susun macam ni..mencabar kann..

Soalan expert pula..susah wei..

Gila punya solutions tau..susun melintang pukang begini pun boleh..
i lioke laaa..

Master Level pula..
Camne?leh buat tak?
cubalah imagine ..guna blocks yang kat bahagian atas gambar tu..untuk solve kan each question.

Hah...seriyes..tak terfikir pun gini cara nak susun..
Mencabar iq..mencabar minda tau..
Its good la for your kid..
Sama macam Castle of Dream tu..for parents pun boleh.
Each block made from wood ye.
Boleh buat baling hanjeng kalau kena kejar..
Ok to order..just email me at
Price RM35.