This entry dedicated to Mia's faveret sistas in the whole wide world.
Arissa Qistina..also known as Kakak Ca

This is her..6years back..
Masa baby dulu..she had the big red mole on her lips..
Now..gone already..lama2 hilang..
Apsal eh?
Bila tengok this picca..mmg ada iras2 Mia..just Pisya ni very fair la .

And this is her 3 years back.
As my prettiest flower girl ever.
Yang lagi 2 flower boy tu is my big bro sons.

And ..on 31th March this year..shes turning 6years old. Still the only dotter of my big sister. We celebrated her at I city shah Alam. (All piccas below taken from BB,so quality wise mmg out)

My younger sista pun join that night. Its a girl night out i can say..

Excited takmo dukung. Nak walk sendiri je all the time.

Like sista-Like Sista 2 generations.. shining blink blink bunny..

errrkkk..mommy oso tak sedar diri?

The lips..
so yummehhh neh..
We had our Arabican Dinner there..

Budget cute lah Mia tu..
Tapi mmg cute pun..kata mommy

Maksu as the bibik for the night

We all datang weekday malam..
so tak la crowded..but still ramai orang

The befday gal of the night

Kakak buat..Mia pasti ikut.

Holding hand..super nice tau diorang nih..
Kalau jumpa mesti cam peluk2 as if lama gila tak jumpa..
as if peluk rindu tahap naga..

Horsey horsey pula

Poney yang kurus..sian poney tu..siap lelap2 mata..
penat kut asyik bawa orang je.

Befday girl mintak horsey kat mommy dia ..boleh?

In front the Snow World.
Adult rm25/head
Kids above 3 rm20/head

We are the pinky girls

Mommy ?..oren?why?
sampai now..i nyesal tak tukar tau..

Its cold..but really fun.
Ada slide..boleh lahh..
budget2 layan snow and baling snow ball..hahah

Aduhhh..sakit belakang..
Tudung pun dah hala ke mana

Baru percaya..dalam rumah ice ni lagi panas compare kat luar..

Bestnya peluk Mia pakai sweater gemuk ni..
Lembut gitu..

Hidung sudah merah..tapi takmo balik.
Ajak keluar je nangis.."nak play amore"
sok nya apa lagi..flu lahhh..


they really had fun that night.

Happy 6th befday Kakak Pisya..
You re big girl now..
Next year dah nak masuk real school..
Makteh and Mia loved you sooooooooooo much.