Thursday, July 8, 2010

Drama mommy

Trial run #2 FAIL!!!
She just cant sleep without mommy..menangis tak leh dipujuk.
So this morning i begged to my boss..
i told him what is my real situation is..
And....he understand.

I know i just miss my chance..
Reputation : bad,
Attiude : bad
Dedication: bad

hurmmm..thats the sacrifice iam willing to make.
stopid? no?

The good news is..i have 10 bottles of ebm for my future stock..

Short term memory loss

Pernah tak korang masa tengah masak,tetiba terlupa nak amik sos dalam freezer.
Then bila buka freezer korang tak tahu apa korang nak amik?
sound funny ke?
Korang nak naik bilik ambil baju kotor.
Tapi sampai bilik,korang mcm tak ingat kenapa naik atas at the first place
macam short term memory loss.
Its like 5sec u think about it.then another 5 sec it gone phewwww...
Banyak minum air semut kut..sbb tu pelupa menjadi2..
Or banyak sangat benda dalam kepala,sampai memory dah stuck.
Nak load pun tak the end kena restart.
Saya skang adalah Dory dalam cerita Nemo.
ohhhh.."where am i?"