Member price for set RM215. One big box with full of the obat obat(Post Natal Care) and another box is filled with binder or bengkung. As what i heard this benkung is very easy to use,and we can wear this benkung by ourself. (Not yet try ..but i will try tonite with laling..hahahah).
Bengkung is very important to cut the fat around the tummy and waist. To get a smaller me again i have to wear this benkung for the whole 60days of my pantang period..or if i want to get the better effect, i have to wear the benkung for the whole 100days..24-7..hahaha...susahnya nak kurus..and for sure it will feel not comfortable at all wearing this binder. But again, my determination to get slimmer is bigger than the comfortable feeling. So if nak seribu boleh!!
Calming Herbal Blend..or in Malay we call it pilis. Function to cool and soothes the forehead..Extremely useful for mother who are prone to headaches due to lack of sleep and tiredness in coping with the confinement and the newborn...
And here comes the pills..After Birth Pills 1 is to restores energy and promotes lactation..more milk..more milk for baby..