Sunday, December 15, 2013

6night 5days

Penutup 2013 yang tak berapa nak best.

Oh adik manis..
Ard 2yrs back u wore the same tag on ur wrist but with my name on.
I still remember..ur sepet look the moment u come out from me. I still remember how small were u that time.

And on last 7th dec saturday night u were admitted at HPAN due to pneumonia.
Bad coughing for about a month and infection on ur lung.

It broke my heart seeing u that time.How the staff nurse struggle to find your blood vein to get ur blood and also to insert the drip pin.
And how much ur struggled to free yourself from them.

5 days on antibiotic drip on ur left wrist.
4 hourly nebs.
Lotsa medicines
Lots of Cries
Physio 2days in a row

All of us, daddy,mommy and kakak were there with you all the time.we slept in the same ward every night and daddy kept buying you toys in order to cheer u up.

6night 5days later,alhamdulillah no more wheezing sound in ur lung and the paed let you go.Home is always the best place for all of us.

Pain pain go away..dont come again ever for both of my babies..

Its just to painful for me.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, November 25, 2013


Tetiba nak cakap pasal jodoh..
Sape kita tak tentukan pasal jodoh..lambat cepat semuanya ketentuan tuhan
Tapi kita boleh merancang
Merancang masa depan dan jodoh sekali.

Nape tetiba nak cakap pasal ni..

Anak buah kesayangan kawan saya ..saya namakan dia A..(bukan nama sebenar) age 19years old.baru habis SPM..taknak sambung study tapi pakai BWM , ayah bagi. Kerja dengan kira semua ayah tanggung.

Berkenalan dengan GF ..saya namakan dia B (bukan nama sebenar) Age 16y Form 4. Tetiba diorang nak bertunang.. Emak B suka..sbb dapat menantu bawak BMW. Emak A, redha.. tapi kawan saya tidak..dia menghalang..membangkang sekeras kerasnya..
Sape lah emak saudara nak membankang, sekiranya parents sendiri next month bertunang..abis SPM which is 2 more years diorang kawin.

Saya tertanya2 apakah yang ada di fikiran emak si B untuk mengahwinkan anak perempuan yang belum cukup umur..yang belum tahu maksud tanggung jawab tu. Adakah semata2 disebabkan kemewahan luaran si A tadi?

Saya tertanya juga apakah yang ada di fikiran emak si A yang redha akan anak lelakinya untuk berkahwin di usia yang sebegitu muda..Ilmu tak cukup, malas nak sambung belajar. Zaman sekarang sijil SPM tu apa yang ada?

Again... sapelah saya untuk menidakkan pasal jodoh.

Si gadis belasan tahun B, tahukah kamu..selepas kamu habis SPM, kamu akan berjumpa berjuta lagi orang. Mungkin di kolej dan mungkin di tempat kerja.. saya yang penat bercinta di zaman university..4 tahun percintaan putus macam tu sahaja. Tetiba masuk kerja sony.. setel down, jumpa dengan en.laling 6 bulan je couple terus tuning..

Minggu lepas, Mia mengeluh kat saya..

"Nobody want to marry Mia at school Mommy..
Irfan nak married Amni
Adam nak married Iman"

bla bla nak married with bla bla bla..

Until the last name of 5years old boy in her class.

"Mia cannot married with 4years old boy..they are too small for Mia"

I just told her..

"Nevermind..Mia cannot married with anyone.

U need to buy mommy big  house and big car first before u get married.

Until then Mia stay with mommy ok.
U have to be excellent in school
Then u will go to big school.
Then u will go to university.

Get a good job and good money..

Buy mommy a big house and a big car.

Then u can married with those 5years old boy ok"

And she just smile and nodded ..and continue reading her Peter and Jane.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dah besar semuanya

Lamanya tak update..apsal tah susah sangat nak update skang ni.Malas pun iye..buzy pun iye..nape dulu rajin update hari2..skang seminggu sekali pun payah nak dapat.Padahal banyak je cerita nak story..ntahlah hormone kot,..hormone tua..

32 kot dah umur tahun ni..macam tak caya je dah 32..dulu rasa those yang umor 3+ ni macam dah makcik2 dah ..yes btol lah tu, memang dah tahap makcik pun..anak pun dah dua..Alhamdulillah..age is just a number kan.

Tapi still ada problem nak bangun subuh..,manjang subuh gajah je hari hari..kadang rimau..kadang kambing..kadang2 lembu ..susah betul nak bangun pagi..Bila dah susah nak bangun pagi..maka yang lain2 pun lambat lah kesemuanya..

Mana nak basuh botol2 susu..Buat susu baru..nak siapkan adik and kakak,,nak siapkan diri sendiri..Hari hari saya rasa rushing je ..kelam kelibut..pastu masuk ofis pun haruslah 10-15min lambat.. kesian student menunggu..maafkan cikgu ye anak anak2..anak cikgu

Husband saya tidak membantu sangat part2 menyiapkan anak or mengemas rumah..or memasakk..huhu..Maybe dah terbiasa sejak dari kawin saya tak pernah suruh dia menolong.Maybe dia pun memang anak manja mak.sampai lah saat dan ketika ni dia pun jadi manja. Bukan taknak suruh, tapi malas..macam nanti sakit hati sendiri je..Padahal saya pun kerja..dia pun kerja rumah + anak2 haruslah bahagi dua juga kan..Takpelah..selagi ada daya, saya buat seikhlas mungkin. Redha je lah . Takyah nak complain lebih2 sangat pun.

Update pasal Mia..Alhamdulillah, my little helper nowadays. She can help me fold all the baju. She can help me clean up toys... but sometimes she question me back why I always asked her do the works.. huhuhu. " Daddy lazybum, so nobody helping mommy at home..mommy only have kakak to help mommy now..".. hope she can understand soon..if not now

She read Peter and Jane book 5B now..and Read Easy book 5.
Alhamdulillh clever little girl..

Update about adik.. si becok comel yang can talk like anak burung cute..and sometime I feel I want to eat his mouth for whateva words that come out from that tiny mouth..
Always disturb kakak.. always menyakat kakak.. my notty boy ..
Going to Big 2 another 3 more month.. time flies fast and I hardly realize that my baby boy dah get me a new not..

Cukup lah dua..dua pun dah super perang kelibut jadinya..

But how about in the next 6 year..when kakak is in standard 4.. and adik standard 1.. will I miss all the baby things that bring chaos in my life? will I miss wake up during the z-hours to bf ..will I miss handling the poo poo-pee poo-pampers-things?

Sure I will..but to get a new one? start again ?huhuhu..for now I don't think so..hahahah

Friday, October 25, 2013

Cheap cotton silk for sale

Accept order until this sunday 27/oct/2013 only.

RM60 sepasang

Text or whatsapp me at 019-3805415 to order

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anak anak

In 5minute they can be best friend to each other..and the next 5 minte they can hate each other just like dat.


They can be this sweet with each other.


Try try lah juga pakaikan diorang with matching matching outfit.
Tapi susah la..color lebih kurang samaje boleh.

Sama sama active.
Sama sama melasak.
Sama sama pulun tak ingat

Apa pun kakak buat..adik tetap pengikut setia..
ikut je apa kakak buat.

Anak anak saya yang paling comel..
yang paling cantik..
Dear love of life..
One day u will find that each of you annoy each other,
One day you may feel that you deserved much better  brother/sister.
Please remember..that you are sharing the same type of blood.
You came from the same source..the same oven..
Mommy love you so much..

Monday, October 21, 2013

Journey from Kuala Pilah to Bangi

Daddy is off for businesstrip lets jom kids balik kampong.
Yesterday morning, we heading back to bangi again..
Its started with good sitting position complete with seat back. and sturdy!

Then it going lower and lower..hahah
This position journey baru sampai bukit putus.

This one sampai Toll senawang

This one dah kat highway seremban-Jb

Then sampai Bangi..
Terus hantar Mia ke sekolah..
Apa lagi,member baru bangun terkejut tido.mood tara baik..
maka melalakk gajah kena tinggal..aduyaiii kakak..
mommy love u k..

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Baik baik

My Umar Dani is now 1year and 9bulan
Another 3 more month he will hit lucky 2 ..
Dah besar dah anak bujang sepet saya itu.
Anak bujang yang super lasak.
Panjat sana sini
Lari lari non stop
Kalau kat rumah sendiri, takpe.
Sebab rumah saya semua furniture dah tolak ke dinding.
Tapi when it comes to balik kampong or visiting friends and relatives
Here comes the trouble.
Saya takut tgk dia lari lari.
Saya takut dia terjatuh tersembam ke lantai
Saya takut dia terjatuh terhatuk di bucu2 dinding or even perabot
Nightmare ok.
Memang memenatkan untuk ikut je bontot dia mana dia nak pergi.
Letih oooo being traumatic like that.
If only i can hold sit with me..
Just sit down and we will have mom-son talk
Playing with my hand..and just talk...
Alangkah nikmatnya...
Boy will alwiz be boy
He will scream..and struggle to let go from my arms.
He want his freedom and play around with his sisters and brother.
But I just that what if?
I cant control him forever..and he is only 1+
That's what I want him to turn up right?
I don't encourage my kids to be obsessed on IPAD or TV
So they don't like those two either now ..
They like to kick ball, play with the physical toys and also they love doing the physical activities as well.
So good job me.
Penat wei!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

" I-miss-u-daddy " face

I asked them to do i-miss-u-daddy face just now.
And they come out with this..

They really misses daddy dat much.

Arent they the sweetest thing in the world..

It is to me.

posted from Bloggeroid

Longkamara Mommy.. *not*

Iam not the type of mom who like to shout or marah2 to my kids.
What I did was to just keep quite or give them a silent treatment wheneva they are not in control.
But this few weeks..
I have night classes to teach.. My husband was away for businesstrip
Full classes Morning and afternoon.
Toys business to handle.
And all this make my "blood always go upstair" everytime they threw tantrum in the house..
Im not being myself anymore..
I scold Mia most of the time ..
I will scream whenava adik climb the stairs..table.. and sofa..
 Iam like the angry lion chasing for the victims to eat in the house..
Until Mia come to me and said..
" Mommy I got a new name for you"
Whats that?
" It mean Mommy always angry to that's why mia call mommy Longkamara"
What the hell on earth is Longkamara?
Long= Panjang?
Ka= short form for suka?
Mara= Marah?
Mommy suka marah panjang panjang?
I want to cry.. *NANGES*
Menyesal tak guna..Nasi sudah menjadi bubur..Bubur sudah masak.
Iam not gonna be this Longkamara mommy anymore..
Its payback time..
Ok lets jom Mia... This Friday..
You and Me
Having Mommy-Daughter together.
So sape nak playdate with us?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Officially mother of 4

I just received 2 Persian cats from a relative last weekend.
They are so cute and I just cant say no to it.
The girl name Sofia and the boy name Bajubacah.
Nice name aren't they?
I don't know how im gonne take care of them later..
But lets see how it goes..
Now I got 4 babies instead of 2.
On our back home to Bangi yesterday,
I asked Mia, Lets us give one cat to Kakak Pisya..and u keet another one.
She asked me why.
I told her I don't have enough money to buy food for two cats..
Being as clever as 4years old kid..
" Mommy , u can take this RM10 (Atok just gave her that money) and buy food for another cat ok..I can go back kampong later and ask atok some more money"
Nice kan... And for that.. mommy will try to keep these two cats for u my love..
And when they have a babies later lets sell it to others..
Persian baby cat have values right.
Yeayy..and we will have a cat business later..
Good invest..good invest..
So this morning I wake up to prepare the milk for the kids..
and also to top up my others two babies food and water too.
hurmmmm..not dat bad..
Except the poo poo that is still in the sand when I left home this morning.. Mommy just have two hands here Mia..

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chicken Pox come from where?

No No.. not anyone in the family have the chicken pox now..
Just a conversation between me and Mia about Chicken Pox

So funny..and I cant stop myself to write a post about it.

Mia :  "Mommy, Mia fren Haziq got mosquito bites so many like adik. (Refer to raya post when adik got so many bites on his face).. So many mommy... his neck , his face , his hand and also his feet also kena"

Mommy : That's not mosquito bite ..that is chicken pox.

Mia: Chicken pox?

Mommy: Yes.. it is one type out of so many fever in the world. Please stay far from him ok..or u will bring some home for adik later.

Mia: Chicken pox come from where mommy?

Mommy : ermmmmm... It comes from a person who go a chicken pox laaa.. then transfer to anyone who stay close with him..

Mia : No.. Mia said..chicken pox tu comes from where? From farm ke..from kampong ke..or from the zoo

Mommy : Its not even a chicken sayang..its a desease...its a fever's if u got a flu..we call a flu fever..

Mia: So its come from where?

Mommy : " Mia come here, finish ur rice now:" ... ayat malas nak layan dah..

She still tak puas hati ayam tu datang dari mana..hahaha
Now I tell u ..its her phase to argue with everything..
If then..she will accepting whateve answer that I gave her.. more ok.. she will doubt and question back to most of my answer..

That's my girl..
My super pandai genius kind of girl..

Monday, September 16, 2013

23 at heart

Being 32 with two beautiful babies,a loving husband,parents with good health and a supet happy big family around..

What more could i ask?


posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

kakak the cry baby

Sometime I wish I have more time to teach kakak at home.
Setel everything (cook, feed, clean and bath) its already 9pm.
Clean up the house, wash milk bottles and do laundry and its already 10pm.
By that time, adik already give the signal (Read: cry) that he want to sleep and he want his boobie right now.
Naik atas bilik..and off the light .
Promise to kakak that I will on the light back once adik sleep.
and we will have some reading activities..
Most of the time I will fall asleep together with adik..
and maybe if shes lucky, adik will sleep at 11pm..and we will have our
"Peter and Jane" together..
But tak lama pun..sbb Mia pun dah penat..
Bila penat berapa lama sangat dia boleh focuskan..
Dapatlah a few pages je..
My mini me.. My pretty darling..
She loves me so much..
Most of her drawing at school or at home, she will write Mia love Mom.
She will draw me holding her hands..
I know she misses me so much at school.
Sometime..she can be so notty.
She duwan to wear any baju that I choose...she want to pick and wear by herself..
When she pick up the cloths that she want to wear..guess what will happen to the rest of cloth in the drawer.. bersepah2 jadinya..
And at one time last week,
the key house fall down while I was carrying adik and 4 bags at my hand.
I asked her to help me pick the key..and she refused to..she said that she don't have the energy to do that..
Refused to get shower..refused to pee pee before bed..
Refused me wash her hair..
Refused to clean up the toys room .
and banyak lagi lah benda2 yang buat mommy boleh naik angin

Out of the diva attitude in her..i know shes a good daughter.. a good kakak..
And I love her so much.
my first first of everyting

Kakak Mia is a cry diva.
Geram sangat kadang2 dgn dia yang kuat sangat nangis.
nak mandi pagi menangis dulu
Nak pergi school pun menangis dulu.
Kat rumah pun sama, if tak dapat apa yang dia nak tu harus kejap2 nangis..kejap nangis..mak pengsan ok..
Adik lagi cool dari kakak

Manja budak pompuan dengan manja budak lelaki ni lain sket kut.
Sampai sekarang, tidur nak berpeluk.
Nak tidur berlengankan tgn mommy or daddy.
Nak kena tepuk..nak kena dodoi..baru nak tidur..

Anak saya si cantik manis..
Pot pet mengalahkan mak nenek.Bila dia bercerita pasti nak bagi satu dunia dengar.
Suka melawa..suka perasan.
Ikut sapa lah agaknya ni kan kakak.
Alhamdulillah, selera masih bagus..Habis lah sepinggan nasi or two during dinner and lunch.
Sebab anak2 suka makan..maka mak pun rajin masak.
Masak simple2 aje..
Selalu jeles kat adik.
If mommy buat susu adik dulu baru susu dia pun dia bengang..
Dia nak semua dia jadi no.1
Adik pula dah pandai jeles juga skang.
Pantang kakak dating peluk mommy..adik pun nak.
Seb baiklah mommy korang ni badan tegap dan sasa..
Dapatlah menampung berat badan 20kg + 13kg uolssss tu.

Anak mommy yang cerdik pandai ni suka baca buku.
Bangun pagi cari buku dulu.. Nak tido malam pun cari buku dulu.
Adik pun sama dah mommy tgk suka sangat belek buku2 kakak.
Kakak suka melukis.
Cantik2 lukisan kakak mommy tengok.
Nanti kalau ada masa saya post satu entry pasal kakak punya artwork ye.
Proud of u darling

Kakak rajin juga tolong mommy (Ikut mood)
Tolong lipat baju..tolong kemas bilik toys.
Alhamdulillah, walaupun kakak diva mommy tetap bersyukur dapat anak secantik kakak.
Anak mommy yang cantik , yang cerdik, yang baik...semoga kamu menjadi anak yang solehah ya.. Anak yang mendengar kata mommy dan daddy.
Anak yang berguna terhadap bangsa dan Negara.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Child Friendly Mosque

Alhamdulillah, tahun ni Berjaya bawa anak anak ke masjid for solat terawih.Mula mula tak berani nak bawa sbb umar dani lasak sangat.Takut dia takleh control diri dia and saya takleh nak kejar..hahah

 Masuk second week je baru berani nak bawa..itupun terasa alaaa ruginya tak dapat nak solat terawih.. dah lah setahun sebulan je kami bawa Mia and Umar ke Masjid Putrajaya.. jauh juga nak kesana dari bangi..tapi disebabkan ini je choice yang terdekat, yang close area and ada berkejar kejaran jugalah kami lepas berbuka tu nak gerak ke putrajaya

Alhamdulillah.. first night Umar Dani passed with flying colors.. dia takde lah lepas jauh dari saya..lari dekat2je..sbb pintu bertutup so tak risau sangat dia lepas keluar..kakak pun dah boleh di harap sekarang. Saya pesan kat kakak jangan bagi adik lari jauh2..

The third week tu full lah Monday-Friday kami berterawih di masjid putrajaya.. but last week bendera merah pun this year consider dapat buat seminggu je..saying kann..nak buat sendiri kat rumah mmh taklah..dasar pemalas sangat..Nampak katil je terus nak tidron..

Insyaallah next year , umur panjang dapat berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan, we should start early..

Ni pesen dia smileee skang..mata sepet sangat kan..anak sape lagi ni..anak mommy lah..mata mommy pun sepet ..dulu kecik2 org panggil mommy anak jopun tau..hahaha.. so confirm lah ikut mommy..tapi skang mommy dah pakai eyeliner xnampak sangat lah lagi kesepetan nya..hahah

Vain dalam masjid kan..hahah..saya solat pakai jubbah and sock aje.. malas nak bawak telekung..ramai je mak mak arab yang solat gini kat sana..
Semenjak dua menjak ni suka pula ber jubbah..
Alhamdulillah baju2 singkat yang tak lepas vontot malu sendiri nak pakai..Baju baju ketat melekat pun dah malu nak pakai..
Alhamdulillah..Masih belajarbelajar untuk lebih memelihara aurat.. semoga lebih baik dari dahulu.Umur bukan nya lebih muda ye tak,,

Semasa solat..kadang2 tak lah 100% kusyuk bila bawak budak tetik tiuttt ni... Hujung mata saya ni mengikut je mana dia pergi..hahah..
Dalam hati berdoa sangat jangan lah dia pergi sampai ke depan imam ke..hahah..parah nak cari...
Semoga mereka berdua lebih mesra masjid..jangan jadi macam mommy.. g masjid setahun sekali agaknya..
Ada plan dengan daddy nak bawak diorang g masjid waktu isya ke lepas puasa ni..belum dapat buat lagi..daddy balik lewat sgt..mcm mana nak pergi..
Alasan banyakkan..ternampak2 setan berbisik..takyah pergi takyah pergi..baik duduk rumah..tengok tv..lagi best..
Jahat kan syaitan ni..

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Office's Affair

So yesterday sangat kan tajuk post ni..
Benda biasa..rasa rasanya mana2 ofis tak kisah lah private or government pasti ada..

Just recently my cousin had divorces. 7 years marriage with 2 kids ( 6y+4y)
Of coz as a cousin myself I will always be at her side whateva her reason is.

Her husband not romantic..Not caring..and sometime not even care about her well being.No conversation in the house..No discussion at all coz he alwiz win.. No argument..No gaduh gaduh.. and no merajuk merajuk.

To make the story short.. and theres a guy in the office who have a little bit of interest in her.. they shared their marriage problem together.. and my cousin suddenly felt that there is someone who at least care for her for so long she longed for that feeling.. 

So divorced happen..
Sad ending maybe to the kids..
Seriously the only victims here is the kids..
I swear I  drop a few tears when her second kid (Mia's age) hug her daddy so tight, when daddy need to go back home and she need to stay with mommy.
I swear I had the sudden rush of owwwww--poor-you-baby when she cried that she want her daddy when she felt down on the grass and had some small bleeding on her knee...

But.. the other way aroud to my cousin..
I hope shes happy with the new man..she will forever have my doa ..
I hope she found the happiness.. the happy ending that shes want in her life.

Why this office affair will lead to this kind of tragedy.. why it become so serius eventho at first ur intention only to share ur tots with someone close to you..sharing is caring..but sharing with another guy will  be so destructive..

So please ladies..find ur ur mom.. cry on your husband shoulder.. plz plz avoid this -he-is -my-bestfren thingy ya.. we never know how dangerous it will get in to you

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Advance is good..or Advance is bad

Today saya nak story mory about Mia..
She is4 years old now
20kg with 115cm.
She doesn't look like 4 ..people might misjudged that shes maybe 5 or 6 yo.
Long leg with long hair.
Love talk, love to read book and love to play blocks.
She read Peter and Jane Book 5B now.
And Read Easy Book 5
Well as a mother,i think shes really good at reading English.
Maybe the English medium at home help her a lot in English reading.
During Parent-Teacher meeting last June.
Her teacher pun mentioned that she is good in English reading..
but so-so in Malay reading.
Banyak word in Malay yang dia tak faham.
For example masa, cuci, dagu.. and etc..
So I have to start buying her malay book from now..
sampai sekarang tak beli lagi..
Her math is Ok
Mengaji is OK
Writing is good.
Drawing is excellent.
Apart that she is 4yo..but actually Mia join class 5yo.
So mmg advance sket lah compare with 4yo kids.
Teacher tanya next year nak masuk school mana?
Sebelum ni saya tak fikirkan sangat pun pasal nak tukar sekolah.
Sebab sekolah sekarang is the bestest school yang ada kut.
Lagi2 sekolah now until i just tot that she will stay at this school until next year.
But bila her teacher cakap..if Mia stay, most of her friends (5yo kids) dah takde.. and she will be repeat whatever sylibus 5yo again next year.
I asked her, what about Iman (her 5yo daughter)
Most probably Iman will go to Smart Reader next year..and teacher akan open new place for transit.
Option 1. Mia will follow her besties to Smart Reader next year and transit to a new place of TJK
Option 2 : Stay at TJK and lets her have fun repeating her "5yo" there
Theres pros and cons for both options.
If i choose OPTION 1.
Ok... she will be so advance for her age.
But how about the next two years, where all her friends will go to standard 1.. and she still 6yo .
Again she will need to repeat her "6yo" school sylibus.
Friends of mine advice ..go for Private Islamic integration school.They might accept 6yo entering standard 1.
Daddy suka option ni..
But bila saya fikir2 balik..what is the good things having an advance kids in academic.
Most of the story that ive heard all negative one.
Remember the girl who is so advance in Math, enter Havard kut during her end up as a prostitute there..
Remember the boy who can read at 4yo (i think this one like 20years ago news kut,masa ni budak 4yo boleh baca mmg super genius)
What happened to him now?
I read dia siap kena masuk lokap lagi..and tak teruskan pengajian.
Remember the girl who achived 18A's SPM.
Dari baik2 pakai tudung labuh..end up shes in news wearing tight and blonde.
Aduyaiii.. Advance is surely bad if the kids are too stressed up about maintaining their advance level at one stage.
They need to please everyone except for themselves.
If the family push too much ..
If the family expect too much ..
then advance is Bad.
I don't want that to happen to my darling Mia.
I want her to enjoy her school year like i did.
No pressure.. and yayy..iam a straight A's student until now.
But if i choose Option 2.
will she get bored of school next year?
Will the teacher slow her down if she stay?
I asked her before, whether she want to stay at this school next year..or go to new school for bigger kids.
She choose new school.
And its already Sept and iam still not making any decision yet.
Its not about ME now..its not about
 "Mommy will be happy if u go to new school-all mommy friends will think that mommy got a genius daughter"
No..Never about that.
Its all about her..its all about giving her the best option for her life.
What eva that will make her happy..
What eve that will be good for her in the future.
That's the decision that i will made.
No paksa-paksa just to make mommy happy.
So what do you think now mommies?
Advance is good or advance is bad?
Option 1 or Option 2?

Monday, August 19, 2013

PRELOVED Girls Clothing Size 3-4years old

2pcs Long sleeve Mothercare for RM25 both

2pcsPoney Top for RM25 both

RM20 Pink pants from FOS for both

RM25 flowerie dress from Secret Garden

2Pc ZARA dress from RumahMode for RM25 both

2pcs dress from Early Days for RM25 BOTH

Padini  Flare Jeans forRM25

2pcs Jeans for RM25

2pcs quarter Jeans for RM25 for both

Pants and skirt from Hello Kitty for RM25 for both

GAP short skirt +Mothercare Polca dot legging for RM35

Tutu Dress for RM25

Dolly Top with hood from Japan for RM20

Chili red dress from Lady bird for RM15
All tops and pants are 8/10 condition.
Size 3-4years old
Reason for baby girl cannot fit in those anymore.
And im not producing anymore babies
So need to find a new owner.
Just email me at