Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Plan B
Sakit belakang teruk betul skang ni.
Cramp kat kaki pun makin kerap..
Malam tadi je almost sejam sekali kut saya cramped.
Semalam tetiba terfikir..makin dekat dah nak bersalin.
Seram sejuk pula rasa.
Macam tak berapa nak ingat macam mana rasa sakit bersalin tu lagi skang.
Tapi yang saya ingat mmg sakit gila..
Doa saya semoga dipermudahkan saya bersalin nanti.
Pastu fikir pasal baby pula.
Maid tak dapat lagi.
Nursery pun tak carik lagi.
Mak abah kat kampung dah offer nak jaga..
But mana mungkin sanggup saya nak bagi..walaupun kalau mak abah yang jaga, saya pasti baby akan dijaga baik.
Tapi saya tak sanggup.
Cuti bersalin 2month sahaja.
Saya ingat nak mintak cuti sebulan lagi.
Study leave+annual leave setahun ada dekat 50days.
Kalau guna 30 hari should be ok.
Then after 3m, saya fikir nak mintak mengajar class pagi sahaja.
Saya plan nak bawak baby pergi kerja skali.
Bawak masuk class dlm carrier or stroller.
Park kat tepi class..and saya continue mengajar.
Baby kecik lagi mudah mudahan tak byk ragam.
Kalau bawak Mia pergi class,susah saya nak mengajar.
Sebab mulut dia pot pet tanya itu ini.
Baby dah 6m, baru saya nak cari school/nursery untuk dia.
Besar sket la kalau nak hantar pun kan..
So tak yah risau lagi..
Ini plan B kalau tak dapat maid or baby sitter.
Mintak2 takde student yang complaint lecturer bwk baby masuk class.
Student university skang ni panjang akal.
Try dulu..ok kecik pasti tidur je kan kerja diorang.
Kalau nangis sumbat je susu..heheheh
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Miss her
Balik je from from school, Mia suka sangat tidor senja.
Tak tidor senja pun,time ambil dia from school 6pm mesti tengah tidor.
Penat sangat main kat school.
Referring to the teacher pun, memang Mia taknak tidor during nap time at noon.
Kadang2 bagus juga.sbb saya boleh buat kerja2 rumah tanpa gangguan.
Kadang2 tak berapa nak bagus, buatnya dia terjaga pukul 9pm dah susah nak tido semula.
Tapi kalau dia tidor terus sampai pagi pun saya pula tak berapa nak suka..sbb i missed her so much.
Tak dapat nak borak.
Tak leh nak buat activity sama2.
Malam ni pun sama.
Pukul 7pm dah tidor.Pukul 10pm saya dah taktahu nak buat apa.
EL tak balik lagi.
Mia tdo.Tak sampai hati nak kejut.
Kan best kalau dapat bergomol2 dgn Mia skang.
Mesti dia pot pet ngadu macam2.
Tak bagus kan kalau toddler age 2+tak nap during noon.
Kalau cuti, ok je dia tidor kat rumah ni.
Maybe kat school ramai dia excited nak main..
Walaupun Mia tidor kat sebelah saya skang ni.
But i still miss her..tah apa2 kan..
Monday, November 28, 2011
Her current obsession

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Gaya susu

Monday, November 21, 2011
The look
Still strong like a fox..
Just this time selalu rasa terik and berat kat waist area and punggung selalu cramped.
Dunno why.
Maybe not as big as last time..but still big.
At this moment of pregnancy..i hate the pity look from people on me.
Kalau saya naik mesti pandang lain macam.
Like very the sadis lah org pregnant beratur.
ok i admit..i love the treatment for pregnant lady, but i hate the look.
Like..gila kasihan la jadi org pregnant ni.
Im just pregnant..and im carry someone special inside my tummy.
So i dont mind people.please lah dont give me that kind of look.
Menyampah pula kadang2.
Let say if i used the stairs instead of the lift..people will alwiz question "larat ke?" "kang terberanak kan"
Arghhh..benci nya..i know la my limit..
Thats all for today..just tak suka the kesian look on me...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Scissors for paper craft..(Really worth to buy)
Adengan di suatu hari

Monday, November 14, 2011
What should i expect Mia will learn for another6 more month?
Salam Teacher,
So to decide nak continue or not at smart chaliph next year, is still under consideration.Just nak tanya lah..for 2.5years kid what are the actual sylibus in smart chaliph.
This is due to, for the past 5month Mia in smart chaliph i dont see any improvement on her.She still sing the same songs that i teach her before or from Taska Jari Kecil.No new songs from smart chalih that she learn for the past 5 month.Ok..i admitted that she can color better now compare to before.
To know my dotter she can pick up very well whateva that people teach her.She know about colors and shape since she was 2 years old.
So its kindda dissapointed me coz she seem dont get anything from smart chaliph.
Just my curiosity right now..if i continue her in smart chaliph for another 6 more month..What should i expect that she will learn?
Thank you,
And this morning, this what i received from the principal.Apart from comfortiong me and such..she did blame mia and me for that...u guys should read it and judge.
PN Siti,
“What should i expect that she will learn?”
Just to brief you a little bit about the program at SC. actually before parent enroll their child, they will be guided to understand our syllabus that has been prepared for 2.5 – 6 yrs.
If you aware, every morning during assembly time, the teacher will on cd that consist Asma’al-Husna, Negaraku song & 1 Malaysia song. Next, the teacher will sing a phonics song ‘Ants on the Apple’. The purpose of this phonics song is to expose the child before they start learns how to read (by age 4yr).
Based on my experience since 2002 with early childhood education, the child will get something after 2 months with our program. I hope you will try to identify what actually Mia got from new school. It is impossible if you said she gets nothing and still sing the same song that you teach her before or from Taska Jari Kecil. There is something lacking….Have you check are you really follow our program such as come to school on time? How often Mia miss the class? Its sound simple but it will affect the mood & routine of the children. As I notice Mia will refused when teacher wants to change her diapers or shower her. As we have same objective towards our child, I would say, we have to discuss from time to time how to develop and support them, not to put the blame to school or teacher or make our child as a sample to find out which is the best kindergarten for them.
We are not like other school or method, like smart reader (focusing on reading only). Our program emphasizes on the development of the whole aspects in our kids, we called it Syumul in Islam.
Throughout my observation, I agreed that Mia is a fast learner but has a short concentration span. But at this stage, she needs to be prepared with Montessori environment in order to be normalized child (e.g. love of order, love of work, self-disciplined etc.).
For your information, we will let the child age 2.5 – 4yrs to play with the apparatus and socialize with others in harmony + doing hands on activity such as art & craft. We have an area called Exercise of Practical Life. This curriculum will develop motor skills and co-ordination, as well as enriching her vocabulary. Socially, too, new skills are developed as she gradually becomes more aware of other people’s needs. In our program, we emphasize more on playing with other children to develop social skills. It can also encourage learning and develop concentration too.
At this age, please don’t focus more on academic and always question ‘when she will read & write’. The time will come later when she is ready.
We can’t fulfill all the parent’s needs. We hope with the program that we provide is able to help parents nowadays in bringing up children in a complex and rapidly changing world. Insya-Allah, if you really follow what we have plan to our child, you can see the result (at 6 yr).
Yang baik itu semuanya drp Allah s.w.t.
Teacher Eshah
What???...The result will only can be seen at 6 years old..thats mean 3.5years to go..Saya bukanlah nak bergadoh dgn the principal or such..i really want to know, what she actually learn from school.Compare to Jari Kecil before,.I can hear she sings new song each time i come and fetch her. Ok, i got to admit , that Mia had difficulty to wake up at early in the morning. Apart from 8am, i usually send her to school at 9.30am..She need her 12hours sleep too.Tak sampai hati tak kejutkan dia awal2.
Then..i reply back to the teacher..
Salam to your teacher eshah..
1. Yes she still sang the same old songs that TJK teach her.(This is also agreed by my others colleage that send their children to sc as early 8am)..No more new songs for our kids.
2. 2.5 years old toddler focus time is only 5-10 min.So what do you mean by lack of focusing? If she is really that lacking..iam sure she wont sit still when i read her 2-3 books every morning and night. And i did so many activities at home with her..finger painting, coloring, puzzle and such..and i know she can focus up to 15-20 min each time.This is consider good for 2.5years old.
So please explain more on lack of focusing term..
3. I dont expect at this age she will learn or know ABC or 123 ..But at least she get sumtin or learn sumtin from the school.And i really want to know what..As promised before Mia joined SC, the teachers said they will do potty training for the kids.And iam sure the promises is no where to be found yet.
4.Talking about craft and art..the only thing she bring back home is the scrabble from plain paper.Maybe the teachers keep the whateva that Mia's did in a file..can i go and see the file today.I will come on 5.30-6pm today.Hope i can meet you and we can discussed about this in details.
5. She really dont have any problem to shower (she love shower) or changing her pampers at home.Maybe she need a liltle comforting from the teacher to do so.
6. Yes i admit i alwiz send her late between (10-11am)..and iam sure she missed the assembly time, cd'ing time and of coz the phonic song.Later of the you have any other activities for her? I will try to send her as early as 8.30am (complete with shower and "neat and tidy looking") start from tomorrow. And i will monitor for any changes compare to before..She have another 2 more month before next year..
7. I did asked the previous teacher in sc..about the learning activities for the kids..and this is her reply to me (tru fb)
" Kalau nak jaga Mia, akak jgn risau kitaorang boleh jaga dengan baik.Tapi bila tahap untuk mengajar bebudak the teachers kat sini takde proper training lagi..setakat jaga dia sampai petang insyaalah takde apa yang akak patut risau"
Is that true?what does she mean by no proper training?
Thank you for the prompt reply.I dont blame sc fact i really love for Mia to stay in SC..apart very close to my house, and i love the ideas of education toys for her stage. But when it comes to the result, as a parents i really want to see sumtin. You are parents too..dont you want to see your children leard sumtin knew everyday.
Am i a bad parents for expecting too much from the school..I paid RM360 every month to the it wrong for me to put high expectation on Mia to learn sumtin from there. I leave my baby for 8 hours at school..and i only have 4 more hours to spend with her everyday. So i really want she learn new stuff at school during the 8hours without me.
If it comes to my baby, i alwiz make sure she will received the best. And i dont care if i really need to fight for it.Or will it do any good if i keep changing her to a new school?Am i demanding too much..or is that what mommy will alwiz do for our kids?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
English medium school
Its really so difficult to find a school that is up to my expectation.
Ada je yang tak kena.
At my house, we will speak in english with Mia (iam not good in english ..but hubby and me hantam sajalah)
And of coz Mia pun can speak english with us.
But once at school, majority the students and the teachers in smart chaliph are Malay.So they talk in Malay with each other.
So Mia pun dapat lah 1-2 Malay words everyday.
Last week balik dari sekolah..
Mia: "Mommy, Mia fight with hantu mommy"
Mommy: "What is hantu?mommy dont understand"
Mia : "Hantu is ghost..ghost is hantu" she say hantu already rather than ghost.
Before this.
Mia " Mommy..daddy said dont korek hidung"
Mia: "Daddy wrong..Mia correct"
Mommy : " Mia correct?
Mia : "Mia said dont pick ur nose..daddy said korek hidung"
Because i alwiz corrected her wheneva she spoke some Malay words..
I dont want she think that to speak in Malay is the korek hidung case..
But at this stage i really want her to speak in english.
To find a full English medium school in Bangi is very difficult.Ada tuh ada, contoh like Smart reader,Qdees etc etc..But once the majority of the students and teachers are mmg takkan jadi lah English medium tu.
Betul tak?
Lainlah kalau kat Subang..Malay student will mix with chinese and indian students.and Of coz they will talk in English with each other.
I believe apa pun yang kita buat kalau takde proper practice mmg tak jadi.
Sbb tu saya tak percaya enlish medium school kat bangi ni...memang la the teachers will teach in English, but bila dgn friends they will prefer talk in Malay.So bila nak practice cakap Enlish.
Now i thinking to enroll Mia kat Apple King in Kajang.Where the majority of the teachers and students are chinese.Jauh lah sket..
Memang takleh tdo balik lah lepas subuh.Mia pun kena bangun pagi2 pakai uniform.
Cekidout their page here
What say you mommies..penting ke tak english medium school ni.
p/s i know..about the important of islamic education too..sekolah Al Amin pun memang depan rumah saya.But they dont accept Mia yet.Tunggulah she turn to 5years old nanti.Baru i enroll her there pula.Let her learn and have fun with english first.Then lepas tu nak cakap malay pun i dont least dia dah ada basic in english
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Artzooka Version M&M (Mia&Mommy)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Kids say the darndest thing,,
And she really can talk like big kids already.
Sometime it hard for me to pay attention to either Mia or daddy.
Coz both of them sangat becok..
heheheh.Like really ok..
Kalau dalam kereta, EL cerita sumtin..bla bla bla..and there it goes Mia pula nak citer sumtin else..
Poning kepalo den.
Nasib baik lah saya ni bukan jenis becok sangat.
So i can say iam a good listener to both of them.
Ye lah kalau semua nak bercakap, takde yang mendengar..dah macam pasar pula jadi nya nanti.
Makin besar, Mia jadi makin banyak nak tanya..banyak nak tanya.
Sometime soalan dia tu ada sedikit sensitive issue..
like contoh eh...
Tengah tunggu turn nak masuk check doctor.tetiba ada seorang yang sangat gemuk masuk clinic tu..
Mia: big people tu.
Mommy : errrmmmm...
Mia : Why that people so big mommy
Mommy : She sakit..
Mia : Sape buat? No blood pun.
Mommy : Tummy dia sakit..
Mia : Tummy sakit ..then go o-ok (poo poo)
Mommy : She eat a lot of bad things..thats why tummy sakit
Mia : Mia eat rice,eat noodle,eat chicken, eat fish..why tummy Mia tak sakit pun.
(Ok..malas nak layan..i just close her mouth with my hand because i dont want the fat woman to over heard that conversations..and trust me Mia speaks very loud ok)
Then..she saw a kakak with a short hair pula
Mia : Kakak got short hair..Mia long hair like Repunzel
Mommy: Short hair pretty also.
Mia :Boy only short hair. Kakak not pretty kan.Mia pretty like Repunzel.
Mia :Why kakak hair very short mommy?
Mommy : Mommy kakak cut kakak hair already.
Mia : Why mommy kakak cut kakak hair very short like boy.Not pretty kan
Mommy: Because kakak like her hair short..and Mommy like Mia to have long hair.
Mia : Mia hair very long..then mommy can climb.
Mommy : Wakakakaka....(siyes Mia dah taksub dgn citer repunzel)
(And the story goes on with simple question on why kakak hair very short..pengsan)
And semalam pula masa amik dia from school.
Mia : Adam very notty mommy.Adam pull Mia hair like this (sambil melakonkan aksi adam tarik rambut)
Mommy: Why Adam pull your hair?
Mia :Mia dont want share blocks with Adam.
Mommy : Adam notty..Mia also notty..why you dont want to share with your frend?
Mia : Adam notty sangat..Mia very nice..
Mommy : Yes..Mia very nice..
Mia: Irdina cry tadi at school mommy
Mommy : Why Irdina cry.
Mia : Mia push Irdina.
Mommy : Ya Allah..Mia not nice la like this..Nice people cannot push friend..Nice people can hug friends only.Why you push her?
Mia : Irdina take Mia's block..
Mommy : (Again with the you have to share advice..and Mia keep pot pet pot pet about what happened at school)
She talk really a lot now..sometimes non stop..just like daddy..
Rambut Raya Haji 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
29th week and we look so orange

Mia bru lepas nangis, sbb nak pakai baju orange macam mommy.
Perbezaan pregnant no.1 and no.2.
1. Saya suka beli baju untuk diri sendiri.A.k.a suka melawa and perasan lawa.
2. Tak suka minum air masak macam dulu.Paling best suka gila minum air gas.
3. Perajin la sket nak kemas and masak compare to dulu.
4.Suka makan buah delima and air kelapa.
5. Minum susu kambing je skang ni.Pregnancy susu saya tak boleh nak telan.Bau pun tak boleh.
Semoga Allah permudahkan saya bersalin nanti.Dan semoga sempat saya mengambil peperiksaan final exam.Aminnnnn
11th more weeks to go.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Anak suka Ibu setuju
Last Sunday after mommy habis test terus balik rumah.Ard 2pm kut.
Then out of darling Mia tetiba je cakap cam gini
" Nanti mommy finish work , we go to Critterland ok"
Bersalahnya lah aii.
Orang lain time wiken lah spend time dengan anak dan hubby kan.
Saya pula sabtu ahad..pergi class.
Without layan rasa penat yang teramat tu, saya ajak EL ke Reka Land IOI Mall.
New place for kiddies land la.
Just nak try je..
Weekedn entrance for Toddle below 2 is RM10, 2-6y is RM15 and 6-9y is RM20.
Cheaper than Critterland kan.
But of coz Critterland lagi best..Ada pro and conts juga lah.
The best thing about Reka Land ni parents tak perlu nak membongkok sangat. Place dia tinggi.Maka boleh berjalan tegak.
So tak lah penat sangat melayan anak kan.
The balls pool yang a way smaller compare to Critterland.
But she still enjoyed it very much.

Ok tipu bukan tak larat nak slide..tapi tak muat nak masuk dalam slide..heheheh