Monday, May 30, 2011

Big Two (Part 1)

Yeayyy...My baby just hit her Big 2 ..

It sounds so trite to say the last 730 days have been blinked away,

but it most defintiely feels as though they have.

I blinked and she was born.

I blinked and she could walk

. I turned around to cook dinner and she was talking.

I ran to the grocery store and she could sing and dance like nobody business.

Her last day of a 1 year old baby..

And her first moment as a 2 years old baby.
Baru bangun tido.kemamaian.
sbb tu muka macam tu.
Muka sudah besar..

A kitchen sets present from mommy.
And she love it so much.

Oreo-Blueberry cheese cake.
The first cake on her second befday.

Celebrates it with Uwan and Atok and also Maksu.

Focus for cake cutting ceremony.

Today (30th Mei) I arranged another party for Mia at school.

So next post ya will story mory about her second cake pula.

Happy befday Mia cayang.

Mommy doakan Mia jadi anak yang baik ,solehah, dengar kata mommy and daddy.

Sihat tubuh badan.

Semoga jadi anak yang berguna kepada bangsa, agama dan negara.

Mommy daddy love you so so much..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing Up Mia Year 2

Refer here for Growing up Mia Year 1.

Today 29/Mei/2011..My darling Mia entered her Big 2.,

Happy happy Birthday Baby Girl..wishing you a million days that reflect the possibilities you see.

You are this beautiful liltle soul.

From you a have learned patience,

I have experienced family and i have evolved.

Iam a better person for having you in my life.

Jom cekidout Her growing up Journey Year 2 pula

13 Month with her new Lola

14 month

15 month.

16 month.

17 month.

18 Month

19 Month

20 Month.

21 Month.

22 Month

23 Month
















Where 24 Month @2 Years Old

Next post ok..

Special Post for that.

Really want to take picture the minute she wake up from 29/Mei/2011 tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Mia gadoh lagi di Mc Donald punya play ground.
aiyooo..very the gangter..very the garang..

At fist the kid macam make face kat Mia make her tonge out and do sound like lalalalal..
(Frankly it is quite irritating jugalah for me)

Then..the revenged start..Mia nampak je budak tu pandang tempat lain, masa tu dia pegang sponge bob card..
Terus Mia ketuk kepala that kid with the card..
See..thanks god it just only a card kan..buatnya dia pegang book ke..

The kid tak nangis la..but dia buat muka sedih kat daddy dia..daddy dia pun besar cam gangster sket..

What did i do..?
saya tak suka pukul anak..tak reti lah nak cubit ke nak pukul ke depan public macam tu..
I pull Mia's hand to the girl..and asked her to appologize..
She hesitated at first..and try to run from the situation..
I pull her again and again until she say sorry..
Lama plz..almost 15min..
daddy budak tu buat bodo je dengan i masa tu.
Mesti dia fikir tak apa2 tah minah ni..

After Mia say sorry to that girl..i pun mintak maaf juga kat the daddy,,
malu seh..
Tarik tangan Mia and say no more play..
Dia nangis2 nak continue to play..but i explain to her..
No more..because dia dah babab her fren..
In the comes the lecturer of PLS la LOVE YOUR FRIEND MIA!

Saya rasa sampai rumah kut saya berleter kat dia..
hehehe..padan muka..
Hope she understand..maybe not now..Hope she did some day..

Oh Mia...
Plz plz listen to mommy sometimes ya (If not everytime)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Artzooka session in school

Taska Jari Kecil alhamdulillah dapat continue for at least one more year or more.

Doa ibu bapa anak2 kat sana termakbul.


I think ada buat post pasal Art Zooka Mia kat school haritu.

Tapi tetiba Nufnang ada problem..banyak juga post and comment terdelete.

Sayang la pula..

So just nak buat quick entry about Mia punya Art zooka session kat school last week.

Color-cut-and stick

Tak tahu nama apa..

Mia punya tak macam color pun..conteng lagi banyak..

Its soooka..still make mommy proud

The straw blow..

Nice one teacher

And Last Friday she bring this Fish back home.

Stick the colorful paper seem so fun kan..

Mommies boleh try ye..

I love art!

I love spending time with my dotter doing this kind of artzooka things..

But since amik master time is so so limited for her...balik kerja penat sangat.Wiken mmg pack dah.

Luckily the school take part in developmental activities ni..

Hopefully the Da Vince in her will grow bigeeer each day.

I dont have place to stick all the Mia's artwork yet..

But freezer and the fridge magnet will do for now.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Educational Toys to grab.

Panas2 lagi ni..

Actually all toys sampai since end of April.Tapi sbb too busy with exam, so tak sempat tak update.

So jom terjah

1. Rocking Balancing Bears (3+)

Stacking wooden toys

Description: Try to balance all the bears on top of the big rocking bears.

2. Gear Builder (2+)

Connection toys

Description: Connect and build the gears up to the creativity.

3. Puzzle Blocks (3+)

Wooden puzzle toys

Description : Match the base blocks with the shapes blocks.

4. Hen find Eggs (5-99)

IQ Logic puzzle

Description: Shuffle the hen around the board until there is one hen nesting on each eggs.

5. Baby tower (12m)

Stacking wooden toys

Description : Stacks and build the blocks in baby body shapes.

All 5 items in a very limited quantity.Restocks need one month duration.

So hurry and place your order to

First come and first serve basis ye..

For more details visit us at

Nya and Cha

Tak banyak la gambar..tak sempat amik sbb tak menang tangan melayan karenah budak almost 2 ni.

Hopefully from Lina ada lah lebih sket..

Do you guys spot Mommy Lina in this picca or not..ekekek

Mia berusaha untuk buka tag kat tangan dia.
Dia cakap sakit je..last2 saya buka.

Rehat selama 2 min sebelum start melasak semula..

Perasan tak Mommy Lina mesti ada dalam kolam bola kan..hahah..Nampak sangat dia pulun kat sana..ekekek

Budak sorang ni jangan cakap la..skang ni lagi laju dari saya..

sampai mengah nak kejar.mmg tak terkejar la..

Peha kamu yang nyummy nyummy la Mia

Its Fries + Milo Time..

Cha2 cry tak nak balik..Mia pujuk..sweet kan

spotted mommy of two..

Sebab malas nak u turun kat Mines..we all ke Alamanda for lunch.

Lunch kat Black Canyon.

Sampai sekarang teringat kat Tomyam dia..sedap gila..

EL balik nanti nak ajak dia makan kat sana..

See..i told u guys..they holding hand all the time kat Alamanda ni..

Sampai orang lalu pun diorang tak lepas.

Siap sepakat change toys pula tu..

Yang bear2 tu Mia punya..yang baby tu Cha2 punya..

baguskan..tukar sama suka..

Siap ada tukar mommy pula tu..

Thanks Lina and Cha2 for having us as ur playdate..

We having so much fun yesterday.

Nanti kena repeat balik tau.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Playdate gone WILD

Lina and me had our girls playdate at Critterland yesterday (Will upload the piccas soon)
To my dissapointment, Mia WHACKED cha2 a few times yesterday.
I felt so worry and a bit embarassed with my 2-year-old's behavior and thinking did i just raised a bully.
I dont think cha2 did anything wrong to her..and i really dont understand why she must be so upset with cha2.

Fikir punya fikir..i think Mia' jeleos kat Cha2 kut..i did hug and kiss cha2 a few times and even praised Cha2 on how smart she was..I also hold cha2 hand and helped her climbed the stair...and MAYBE THAT WAS IT..she felt treaten by Cha2 present..

What i did yesterday to stop Mia's behavious?

1. Respond quickily..
I stop her wheneva she tried to hit Cha2..and tell her its not good to hit her frend.

2. Remove her from the situation.
I take her away from Cha2..and let her know if she did that again..i will directly bring her back home.NO MORE PLAY. and tell
After a minute i pulled her aside..i asked her why she got so mad with Cha2..and you guys know what her answer
"Ni mommy Nya"..and gime me a big hug...So that was it la..she dont want to share ME with Cha2..
and i did explain to her...NO ONE can take me from you..iam your mommy alone.BUT Cha2 is your frend..and it is not OK for you to hit her..You need to love your fren..dont babab ..dont bite..but you can hug her..or kiss her..
I asked her again " Do you still want to play with Cha2?" and when she said yes..i make her to promise not to hit Cha2 again..

I tell her if she promise to behave..i will bring her again to Critterland.

RESULT more hitting after that..they even holding hand all the way back to car park. So cute..orang lalu lalang pun toleh 2-3 kali ..seriously sangat cute..from belakang pun cute..from depan apatah lagi..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

23 and counting to 24...

3 more weeks budak kecik-comel bangat-meh gomol satu kali - ni will enter her big 2

Dah besar anak dara saya ni.

Ragam pun macam2..poning kepalo den.

Dulu saya ingat nak jadi macam emak yang sopan santun.Tapi skang dah macam apa tah jerit sana sini.

Patutlah orang panggil the terrible 2..mmg betul2 terrible..

Dah nak masuk 2 tahun,tapi saya still anggap dia cam baby.

Tak pernah lah nak percaya untuk let go dia main slide/swing sorang.

Saya still takut dia jatuh or pape la..saya mesti akan pegang tgn dia masa nak slide down..macam budak umor setahun je kan..

Dia naik tangga pun saya cemas je tgk.

Tah apa apa tah..fobia tak pasal2.

Her weight still maintain di takuk yang lama 12kg

And her height is 87cm..(Lagi 3 cm takleh nak masuk sunway lagoon free dah)

Haritu pergila gatal kat booth S26 di Sunway Pyramid.

Saja gatal2 nak measure BMI Mia..

Alhamdullilah dia di atas average..Healyth weight compare to her height.

Mia personality so far..saaaaangat becok..

Memang mulut mak limah ..patutlah ada tahi lalat kat mulut.

Tak berhenti henti bercakap..pot pet pot pet..pot pet pot pet.

Sometimes kalau saya malas nak layan..dia amik bear2 cakap dgn bear2 pula.

Siap read book kat bear2 lagi..

Damia Zahra yang bererti Perempuan cantik yang pandai..

ekekek..suka hati lah ko..

Mode rambut: baru balik nursery..Mommy bawa pergi big park dekat Tasik di Bangi tu.

Nama apa jugalah round2 kat sini..

Park dia tak jadi nak main2 kat sana..end up we all jalan2 je..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Professor serba TAK TAHU

Kadang2 rasa mcm tak layak untuk sambung master and Phd..Rasa mcm bengong2 je untuk menjadi para academician yang cerdik pandai terbilang dan membilang.

Sebabnya, saya rasa saya takde lah hati untuk mengkaji sedalam2 dalamnya setiap tajuk dalam setiap chapter.Apa yang Prof ajar saya terima je bulat2.Kadang2 buat teory sendiri untuk faham (hafal je sebenarnya)
Takde lah saya macam classmate yang lain yang sangup refer ke 3-4 buah buku sekadar untuk memahafi sesuatu topic.Mereka layak bergelar academician, sbb mereka ada satu urge untuk mengkaji dengan lebih lanjut lagi.

Saya tidak..cukuplah saya tahu..cukuplah saya rasa saya boleh jawab soalan exam.Bengong kan..
Tah apa2 tah..malas je lebih.Saya bukan lah sepintar mana..Namanya ex-Tun Fatimah and also UTM..tapi hampeh..saya punya malas dah mengatasi segala galanya.
Bila dah tua sambung belajar ni mmg rasa azab lebih.
Sempena Mothers day yang dah lepas semalam saya nak mencalonkan diri sendiri untuk menjadi "mak terbilang 2011" boleh?hehehe

Dah la kena kerja macam biasa..class untuk di ajar pun pack..Wiken sabtu ahad ada class master.Minggu final exam suami pula tiada di sisi.
Maid pun takde untuk membantu kerja rumah..jangan haraplah saya buka pintu rumah kalau u all datang mengejut ye..
phewww..mengeluh je hari2 saya ni.

Letih pula rasa bila bila larut malam gini saya terpaksa membuka mata yang ngantuk,badan yang dah letih sangat2 ..just untuk study for final exam.Kadang2 terdetik nak berhenti..Tapi bila fikir2 kan balik siapa lah lecturer yang hanya berbekalkan ijazah dan pengalaman berkerja di Sony selama 3 tahuN..siapalah saya kalau saya hanya maintain di takuk lama..

Sekarang mmg terasa sangat azabnya..Tapi insyaalah bila 10tahun nanti orang tanya Mia "mak ko kerja apa?"
Then Mia jawab "My mom is a professor" wahhhh..gitu..terbayang professor serba tahu dalam Gila gila dulu boleh..heheh.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Main Pasir

Final week exam ni terasa sangat Mia ni kekurangan kasih sayang.

Mommy balik lewat, daddy jauh kat Nihon sana.

Sian sangat.

Development activity Mia pun dah berkurang.

Tak sempat and tak larat.

Penat la..Mana nak urus rumah seorang diri.

Nak pening kepala fikir exam.

Tinggal last paper sabtu ni.

Then..yuhuuuu merdeka for 2week.

Then start second semester pula.

Siapa kata nak main pasir boleh di pantai sahaja..

Mommy Mia kata kat mana2 pun boleh..

Maka, saya dan Mia bercanda bermain pasir di dalam rumah.

Best sangat sand station ni.

Tekstur dia tak lah macam pasir kat pantai tu.

So tak lah senang nak bersepah or whatsnot.

Macam playdough just similar to pasir.

Faham ke?

Mommy malas nak godak beach tools gunakan apa yang ada di depan mata.

Her first kan

Agak serius di situ mukanya..

Boleh main masak2 juga.

Rasa bersalah sangat hari2 saya kalau tak dapat nak spend quality time with her.

30min cukupla.

Asal ada activity kami bersama.

Kadang2 pening gak kepala nak main apa kan.

See at the same time i teach her ABC..


The sets include sekali dengan manual book on how to build the object.

See mommy punya aeroplane..hahah.

nampak macam turtle je kan

Nak kena try semua ni.

Btw birthday anak dara saya is around the corner.

End of May tau ..29/5/09

Saya dah beli special present for her.But simpan kat ofis dulu.

If bawa balik rumah mau nya lah dia tunggu another 3 week to open the box.

Tapi now..mommy pula tak sabar nak buka..nak main dengan Mia..

P/S Tau tak kat mana nak beli sand pit yang murah2.Takmo la beli yang sampai rm300+ kat Toys r us tu..preloved items pun ok.