Monday, February 27, 2012

Officially mother of 2

Assalammualaikum to everyone..

Dah more than one month me tak update blog.


Iam officially mother of 2 now.


24th Jan 2012

My baby dragon,My baby mechatron, My liltle Arjuna

popped himself at 7.53pm.

I could say it wasnt an easy one..but compare to the first one it is.

Around 12pm that day a bloody show appeared.

And it is a liltle expected for me to deliver that day, because that previous night i already had 3cm opening.

Reach KPMC Kajang ard 2pm and it is already 4cm opening.

Still no contraction pain.

Until the doc decided to induce and broke the water.

At 2.30pm the pain was so unbearable.

Sakit sangat..and now dah tak ingat how sakit is that sakit sangat.

I asked for the happydural AGAIN this time.

Eventho the doc advice me not to because it is already 4cm.

But being me,yang sangat tak tahan sakit.silalah cucuk skang.

At 3.30, more pain.

i can sleep like an angel.


At 7pm full opening.And iam ready to push.

Masa Mia dulu kena di bantu dgn vacum sbb tak reti nak push.

But this time i push like a pro.

3 push and the baby out.

Alhamdulillah sihat and sempurna lahirnya seorang lagi umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

Umar Dani bin Mohammad Zuhardy


55cm length.

(2cm taller than kakak and 0.2kg heavier than kakak)


  1. tahniah siti dah upgradje jadik mom of 2!! mudah kali ni ek. kejap jek sakit (or sbb amik epi hihihi).

    baby boy harus lebih tinggi & berat dpd girl ;) nice name.

  2. babe!!!congretss...sepasang sudahhh...


  3. omedetou babe, bestnya dah ada sepasang. pray for me pulak ye. mia mesti sgt hepi dah ada kawan nak teman dia main kat rumah ;)

  4. tahniah :) wish me luck pulak ye..bedebar menunggu kelahiran :)

  5. the most awaited entry.. congrats! alhamdulillah dipermudahkan urusan kelahiran hero yg sorg itu. my turn will be in the nx 2 months. woohoo! akutnyeee..

  6. tahniah kak.. mia msti geram jee ngn lil arjuna nie kan..?? =)

  7. congrat's!!baru dpt tgk muke baby :D.

    take care...

  8. congrats siti! dah sepasang. nice name, i like! ;)
