Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Being me

First impression people on me is alwiz sombong+muka garang..
ye iam a serious preson if you dont know me..
but somehow believe it or not...to STF'ian i can be a clown to them..
i love to make a jokes..and i love to be with someone yang sangat2 funny..

But to strangers or kawan baru kenal..those clown in me alwiz nowhere can be found..
heheh..apsal tah..
orang asyik cakap "memula aku jumpa ko..aku ingat ko sombong gila.."
hurmm..mb bcoz from the shape of my lips..
If you look em closely..its shape like "C" terbalik..heheh..

To my student i alwiz a very serious lecturer..and sometime a mean teacher to them..
yeahh..i know..those kind of teacher is alwiz boring in class kan..hehe..
tapi nak buat camne..i teach solidwork,robotic, mechatronic thingy...bukan nya general subject yang boleh nak jokes around..

In my good day,i try to make a few jokes in class..but the student macam takut2 nak gelak pula..hahah..lawak ok..they like senyum sikit je padahal for me jokes tu dah boleh gelak guling2 style dah..hahahah

mcm mana eh..nak jadi lecturer yang baik hati..student's fav..


  1. muka mommy mia mmg garang.tp hatinya baik.eheheheheh..sbb tu anaknye baik je....rinie ckp klo dia jadi student u dia takut ahaaaa

  2. ohh lecturer garang ngaja solidworks ke?? grr.. takott! heee... garang is the best for students.. tak naik kpale.. hehe..

  3. hiks i blom pernah jumpe u face to face..... so tak tau la camne u ni hehehe

  4. any of ur students bc ur blog tak?? Kalo ade sorg yg baca mesti leak pada sume..

    kalo dorg baca blog u..sure sikt2 dorg tau yg lecturer dorg ni gile skit rupe nya..hahahaha..

  5. huhu..org mmg suka comment mcm tu kan.. i pun org slalu ckp sombong, mgkin sbb diorg xkenal lg..
    dah kenal baru tau cemana kan :)

  6. sambil ajar, sambil senyum la kak. heheh.

  7. mmg btol,u muke garang.tatootttt!

    *i pon org ckp sombong kalau xkenal bebetol*

  8. hahaha..pada aku,kau tetap yuda yg kelakar!!aku kenal kau dari sekolah okeh!
    psstt,tp betul la,muke kau ade cam garang sket =)

  9. sombong takpe...first impression i selalunyer..." budak ni macam bodoh x sekolah"....lagi teruk...( eh nape aku menyampuk kat cni...sowi....)

  10. my face give the same impression to strangers. SOMBONG. hhaah.. whatever. they dun know me. once dah kenal, baru la tau. :)

    nways, my 1st impression to u- TINGGIIIINYAA!!mcm model!huhu
