Friday, May 22, 2009

Mommy's Tummy 5 Star Hotel

Baby is still not ready to come sign at all..
Baby's head still far far away from my pelviks.
no nothing..
at 39week,baby as healthy as 3.4kg..
and mommy as fat as 79.2kg(me gain 100g oni this week)

Doctor Kamsiah told us that its a high probability for me to over my due date.
EDD suppose to be next week..but from the "no sign" this week, its may be a Early June baby..
if still no sign if its 7days pass my EDD..induce la kan pastu..hopefully i can go for a normal delivery procedure..i need doa from all of u out there...wish me luck..wish a very best for both mommy and baby..

Its ok baby..i know u are so comfortable inside..5 star hotel la katakan dalam tuh..
u can stay as long as u want ..just be a super healthy and chumiliest baby for mommy ok..
malas nak pk dah bila baby nak kuar..lagi pk lagi buat gue tensen..end up mesti nak nangis..
Will try to enjoy my last day of pregnancy..pas ni sure i miss this super big tummy..miss the kicking and the boxing from this lil tiny tot inside..miss daddy usap2 mommy's tummy..heheh..

oh ye..i need some opinion from all of it ok for a pregnant lady to have a kitty?..recently i took one kitten from my MIL..his name is kerry..sempena he fall into a drain full with my MIL save the kitten and bring him home..and name it funny is that..

Tapi yesterday my parents datang .and they ask me to return back this kitten to my MIL..diorang takut baby "terkenan kucing" it make me so depressed pula..nak percaya pun susah..tak nak percaya pun tak boleh juga kan..orang2 tua ni byk sgt pantang what ur guys think?should i return back this kitten to my MIL..or should i keep it..


  1. tserah pasal kucing nie.. personally akak mmg x suka kucing dekat dgn anak akak, sbb takut kucing tu cakar anak akak.. hehe..

    tp family in law pgemar kucing.. so telan je la.. huhu..

    cuma kalau boleh elakkan la kucing nie kat baby, takut bulu tu je..

    -mama emma-

  2. baca u punya entry rasa sedeh je pasal teringat time pregnant.,. i miss my pregnant body hur hur hur@!~

  3. err.. pasal kucing tu, tatau laa.. tp i rimas ada kucing2 kt umah nih (for me lah).. hehehe..

    dear, jgn risau sgt pasal ur baby tu.. i'm sure sket lagi ada la tu signs dia nak kuar.. ohh btw, u nnt deliver kt annur jer? how nice.. i checkup both kat gomen & annur.. tp in the end, rasanya i gi hosp.putrajaya jer kot.. huhuhu!

    anyhow, pasal air selusuh tu... gi cari kedai yg ada jual product BIODEX... they ada jual BIOSELUSUH tak silap.. okay rasanya sbb it's one of the items utk 'set b4 bersalin'.. my air selusuh tu org yg buatkan so maybe lain sket la dari yg tu.. tp can give it a try wut..

    wutever pun, take care okeh.. GOOD LUCK too! :)

  4. yup..just enjoy ur pregnancy...insyaAllah kite doa baby jgn over EDD k..

  5. erm..yer lah..let's enjoy our last moment of pregnancy...hik3x..padahal dalam hati tensi nyer..bile baby nak kluar ni. hope baby kluar masa hari EDD tu kan :)

  6. pasal kenan tu mmg no komen la, Insyallah xde apa la..cuma yg i tahu preggers should avoid bela kucing sebab 'pasir yg kucing berak tu ada some chemical yg merbahaya untuk preggers' itu je.kalo kerry tak guna pasir tu untuk berak should be fine.:)

  7. thanks to all mommiess..lega sket..tak sampai hati nak hantar kerry balik..boring dok umah sorang2 skang..ada kucing ni leh main2..

    Kak Precious innocent,
    saya ni mmg syg gila kucing..mb most prob hantar balik kut..dah ada baby nanti mesti bz takde masa nak jaga kucing pula kan..

    miss ur pregnant body? mesti dah super slim balik ni..ada rahsia ke nak slim cepat

  8. The Mrs.Bride,
    haah i bersalin kat An nur..rajin nye u check up kat dua tempat.kat an nur pun i rasa tak larat nak tunggu.everytime check up mesti tunggu at least 2 hours..boring betul

    i rasa i mmg over due date..kepala baby tak masuk lagi dalam pelvics..aboh camno..takut kena c-sect je

    yatiey chomel,
    yelah i pun berdoa, cepat la baby kuar.kalau taknak kuar awal least kuar on time...tak sabar dah nak tgk dia..asyik tgk muka 3D je..

  9. miss behave,
    pasir yang u ckp tu,pasir yang serap bau poops dia tu ke?..i tak guna pun pasir tu..haihh..tula i ckp..nak percaya benda2 ni mmg la tak logic..tapi kang tak percaya ,takut pula sbb mak dah ckp cam gitu kan..
    ok lah this weekedn i hantar kerry balik..lepas bersalin nanti amik balik..sonang cite..sian kerry

  10. hehe.. ntah laa sbb dah biasa kot! hmm kt annur so far i checkup kejap jer.. maybe sbb i slalu dpt no 2 or no awal2 kot.. sbb pagi giler i dah tercongok depan pintu dia.. hahaha.. i'm with dr.kham too.. tp tu laa.. now nih dah tukar plan plak nak gi putraj hosp jer..

    btw, u dah book bilik kt annur la kan? apa2, i doakan everything selamat ok.. jgn stress sgt nnt baby majuk nak turun.. ;)

  11. yuda..psl terkenan tu aku xsure la..aku ade gak bela kucing time pregnant ni..hopefully xde pape yg aku tau kucing or kittens ke tak bagus utk org ckpla,xtaula kesahihannye..bole sbbkan athma..anyway,enjoy your hari2 terakhir berperut besar k...i'll pray dat u can deliver safely n normally k..

  12. Salam kenal. Saw your comment on another blog that I follow and just hopped by. Rupa2nya kita tinggal bandar yg sama :)
    Doktor yg u sebut sini pun sgt dekat dgn rumah I, walking distance.
    InsyaAllah semua ok. My fourth baby was induced a week after the supposed due date. Pasal berat u tu..takpelah, pregnant kan. Baby dlm kandungan sihat..alhamdulillah. Me, I'll gain 20-25kg every heaviest was 80kg...and my biggest baby was 3.85kg. Tapi saiz baby bukan ukuran..tu kata doktor lah :)
    All the best.

  13. I guess you could hand over the kitten just for now. Maybe take it back after you deliver. But honestly, I don't get all this pantang larang's.

  14. yud, time aku preggy 3 bln dulu, hubby aku beli kitten. mula2 tu takut gak sbb kan ade kuman from kucing yg boleh jangkit kat baby dlm perut. masa gi check up aku tanye la oby-gyn aku psl tu. dia ckp as long kucing tu bersih, slalu mandi n kite x handle najis dia, it's ok. sbb kuman dia dtg dr najis tu. so, aku bela la dia n skrg dia pun dah ade baby cam aku. hubby aku pun time tu rajin la mandikan dia twice a week and handlekan najis dia. kau kena ajr dia potty training gak biar dia x poo poo sepah2 ;) aylham pun ok, bella (baby kitten yg baru)pun ok. so, actually it's up to u la. just make sure kucing tu bersih n rumah n najis kucing tu jgn letak dlm umah.

  15. aku tatau la,tapi setengah org cakap tak elok utk baby masa tgh pregnant ni..tapi kalau kucing tu takder rasa lain plak kan..hehe
