Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homemade playdough

Tepung+cream tartar+garam+air+food coloring

Wish adik can join kakak..but he is too small too understand about dough playing yet..maybe another few months kuy

Best sangat..and it could teach ur kids about "bersusah2 dahulu bersenang2 kemudian"

She need to uli the dough first before start play with it..

*Mia actually topless masa main ni..but once i nak ambik gambar..dia ckp shame2 lah i asked her to cover her body with my shawl...good one baby..ur big girl already..

1 comment:

  1. my fren rela sorok playdoh or watever stationeries yang anak dia dpt present mase bday party, drp anak dia jumpa dan sepahkan bnda2 tu. coz penat nk uruskan bnda2 yg akan bersepah nti..
    why die anggap anak sepah2 kan ye? mmg iyelah, at this age, dorg akan sepah sambil belajar... btul lah kata yu, susah2 dlu senang kemudian.. kalau i, wpun anak2 sepah tp kite enjoy tgk dia learn sumthing new kan ? tgk dia blaja bt sesuatu. tgk dia 'main dan sepah' sambil create sumthing :)
