Mulut ternganga ..mata tak berkelip when i scroll down the blog.
How i miss all my high heel..seriuosly iam a big fan of high heel..Eventho iam quite tall (170cm) for a girl to wear a high heel. and alwiz get complaint from people "dah lah tinggi,pakai high heel lagi"..hehehe..i dont care long as iam comfy and sexy with that heel.
I love high heel sandal. As all cover up shoe high heel and of coz any flat shoe/sandal is a big NO-NO for me..series tak confortable..
But during this pregnancy,i have to sacrifice all my high heel obsession..i have to wear this ugly hugh puppies sandals since i was 3 month preggy...up until now i have oni one maternity flat sandal je..malas nak tambah lagi..coz after this i know i wont wear this flat type anymore..
This all for u luv..
Sukanya blog ni..series tak mahal..price range around RM150 including postage..if nak purchase kat Nine West or any branded stores mesti dah RM400++.... so i do aim 2-3 pairs high heel to buy soon after the confinement period.. i can wear it to teach later on..and be a sexy lecturer...seriously i do feel sexy when i wear high heel..tak tau kenapa..

Pink and the silver sandals above mb tak beli ..cox i hav this pattern already at home..but i do love the colors..easy to mix and match..

Above sandal is my No.1 favaorite..still choc la kan..suka nya suka nya..
Arghhhhh...i feel IN LOVE of all these sandals now...i wish i can buy all of them..rasa mcm nak order je sekarang..
8 pairs x rm150 =RM1200.. :(
Can mommy have some of the baby's saving daddy??..please!!!..
(sambil buat muka sedih sekali lagi -------->> imagine muka kucing in Shrek)
Tapikan boleh ke mommy wear this 6' high heel sambil carry baby nanti ??..
"Practice make perfect"..i still want to get those shoes a.s.a.p..heheh..
semuanya cantik..aku pun nak jugak...
ReplyDeletetulah..rabun biji mata dok pilih..heheh..