Kakak Mia diberi nama.
Tahi lalat hidup btol atas kiri bibir.
Kalau bercakap dia lah juara.
Kalau menangis and meragam juga dia jadi juara.
Anak manja mommy..kadang2 boleh mengalah dengan adik.kadang tidak.
Pot Pet 1
Nak masuk lift.and ada indian dalam lift
Mia: Got Indian Mommy..so scary..
*Tekup mulut Mia sampai lift terbuka semula
Pot Pet 2
Nampak orang smoking
Mia: Why dia eat fire mommy?
Mom: Dia no money nak buy food
MIA:Cannot eat fire people..burn ur mouth nanti
Pot Pet 3
Mia: Mia boy mommy..Mia duwan become girl anymore
Mom: Why?
Mia: Boy can jump..Boy can climb..Boy can run very fast.Girl cannot.Girl sit down only can.
Mom: Ok..but cannot call u Mia anymore.If ur boy,then mommy call u Meor k
Mia: ok..Meor Jaya k
Mom: Then mommy cut ur pepek..and mommy stick ipit like adik at ur body. Then u cannot watch doc.mc stuffin,barbie,princess story..can watch boyboy boy,ultraman and atonout only. Dress pretty2 also cannot wear..skirt tutu and baju kurung also cannot. Meor can wear pants and tshirt only
Mia: dunwan la become boy.not nice.Mia girl lah mommy.Mia sit down only k.
Becok mcm burung tau si kakak ni..macam2 mau tanya..macam2 nak tahu..really her curioisity will kill the cat and the dog or maybe the elephant as well..gagaggagag